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Thrive Center for Student Success

The Thrive Center for Student Success provides holistic coaching to students as they navigate the complexities of college life. Through mentoring, programming, and outreach, we strive to ensure that each student flourishes at Loyola and beyond.

Our Objectives

  • Empower students to grow intellectually, socially, recreationally, culturally, spiritually and vocationally
  • Utilize an intersectional approach to support students of all identities and backgrounds
  • Provide onboarding and orientation programs that empower students in a smooth transition
  • Act as a bridge for financial, vocational, and academic support
  • Provide ongoing personal and professional identity development
  • Create traditions that enhance students’ sense of belonging
  • Advocate on behalf of students to empower student success

Traditions and Events

The Thrive Center sponsors numerous programs throughout the year that enhance the community's awareness of its cultural richness.

Explore Our Traditions and Events
Students pose during the BSA Fashion Show