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What is an Ally?

An ally is a person who takes a stand against oppression, works to eliminate oppressive attitudes and beliefs in themselves and their communities, and works to interrogate and understand their privilege. There are many different ways to be an ally and numerous opportunities to become involved with the community at Loyola University Maryland.

How Can I Be an Ally?

Being an ally requires active participation rather than passive presence. Allies are encouraged to attend Thrive Center and cultural and identity-based student organization events to learn more about identities and issues related to these communities. Students and employees are also encouraged to explore our training and resources, including completing Safe Zone training, offered every semester.

Being an Active Ally

You can also be a strong and active ally in your everyday life. Here are some best practices and suggestions:

Address Bias & Discrimination
  • Provide correct information when you hear myths and misperceptions about various identities.
  • Interrupt, confront, or react to racist, homophobic/transphobic, etc. jokes, slurs, comments, or assumptions. This can be done privately or publicly.
  • Provide support to individuals who are targeted or subjects of  jokes, slurs, comments, or assumptions. This can be done publicly or privately.
  • Submit a bias report if you hear or witness racist, homophobic/transphobic, etc. jokes, slurs, comments, or actions to support the creation of a more inclusive and safe campus environment.
Advocate & Demonstrate Support
  • Critically consider media presentations of historically marginalized identities and call, email, or write the appropriate parties with complaints, suggestions, or praise.
  • Research local, state, and federal policies that protect or harm members of historically marginazlied community and contact your legislators to share concerns or thank them for their work in relation to the policy.
  • Advocate and vote for representation in public office, private and religious institutions.
  • Advocate and vote public legislation and institutional policies that actively support and protect historically marginalized communities.
  • Recruit students, staff, faculty, and administrators of varied and intersectional identities to join our Loyola community.
  • Remember that there are always people in your residence halls, classes, clubs, and jobs who hold historically marginalized identities, whether you know it or not.
  • Recognize that people in your halls, classes, clubs, and jobs are assessing how safe that environment is for them.
  • Don't “out” LGBTQ+ people unless given permission to do so.
  • Talk with friends informally and openly about  events or issues related to historically marginalized identities in the news, on TV shows, and in movies.
  • When talking about relationships, use inclusive language like “partner” or “date”.
  • Sign a petition.
  • Post an ally sticker on your whiteboard, in your room, or next to your door.
  • Wear an ally button on your backpack/bag.
Learn & Grow in Understanding
  • Complete Loyola’s Safe Zone training.
  • Become familiar with the work of the Thrive Center and it’s support and programming.
  • Risk discomfort and take risks to learn and grow as a person.
  • Take a class centered on the historically marginalized identities and communities.
  • Don't make assumptions and ask about things you don't understand.
  • Talk with and learn from friends, classmates, and colleagues who hold identities that differ from your own.
  • Understand how racism, heterosexism and homophobia affect both people of color/LGBTQ+ people and white/straight and cisgender people.
  • Understand your own feelings around race, LGBTQ+, and all identity-based issues.
  • Understand your socialization, prejudices, and privileges.
  • Understand why you feel it is important to be an active ally.
  • Learn about LGBTQ+ pride symbols, signs, and history.
  • Read newspapers, magazines, and books written by individuals who hold identities that differ from your own. 
  • Watch movies or TV shows that were created by and star individuals whose identities differ from your own.
Participate & Engage
  • Become a member of Loyola’s cultural and identity-based student organizations.
  • Attend their ongoing events, meetings, and programs on campus.
  • Attend Latin Fest (Sept/Oct), Transgender Day of Remembrance Vigil (Nov), Caribana (Dec), Wazobia (Jan), Umoja (Feb), BSA Fashion Show (March/April), Sexuality and Gender Diversity Awareness Week (SAGDAW) events (April), and Asia Fest (April).
  • Have clubs that you belong to sponsor or co-sponsor activities or events that center the lived experiences of historically marginalized communities.
  • Go to cultural and identity-based events in Baltimore and/or your home community.
  • Visit the Center for Intercultural Engagement and the Pride Resource Room (3rd Floor Student Center).