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Sophomore Seminar

The sophomore seminar meets every Monday at 3:00-4:15 p.m., each fall semester. Sophomore Hyman Science Scholars are required to take the 1-credit seminar course and attend every meeting. Other students are encouraged to attend any seminar meeting that they find interesting. The last fifteen minutes of each seminar with a guest speaker is a chance for informal chatting and networking.

During Fall 2020, the seminar was held on Zoom. Since then, the seminar has followed a hybrid structure to enable speakers to join who are not local to Baltimore.

Fall 2020

Activity Activity/Topic
Aug. 31 Career Center, including game on finding yourself
Sept. 14 Nilanjan Banerjee, Professor, UMBC
Sept. 21 NSA Tech Talk
Sept. 28 Jaimie Gorman, Product Manager, IBM
Oct. 5 Rachel Shorey, Senior Software Engineer, Interactive News, NYT
Oct. 12 Caitlin Bacha, Europa Clipper Propulsion System Project Manager, NASA
Oct. 19 Courtney Datin, SharkNinja
Oct. 26 Panel of current students and recent alums
Nov. 2 Michelle Combs, Vice President of Data Management and Biometrics, Celerion
Nov. 9 Amy Hartzog, Software Engineer, Asymmetrik
Nov. 16 Marc-Allen Cartright, Google
Nov. 23 Jennifer Lue, University of Oregon
Nov. 30 Bringing it all together -- reflection on the semester
Dec. 7 CPaMS Evaluator
Emily CebulskiScholar

This program brings in professionals from various sectors to speak at weekly seminars about their field of study and expertise, allowing us as scholars to see the scope of how far our STEM majors can take us.

Apply to the Hyman Science Scholars Program


New Name, Same Program

Loyola's CPaMS Scholars Program is now the Hyman Science Scholars Program, thanks to the philanthropic support of a generous foundation whose leader has a passion for the sciences that will inspire the next generation of Loyola students. The only change is the name! Just like CPaMS Scholars, Hyman Science Scholars are academically talented students majoring in computer science, mathematics, statistics, data science, or physics. Students benefit from a cohort model through which they gain peer support and faculty mentorship, extracurricular enrichment, internship opportunities and career guidance in STEM-related fields.

Contact Us

Questions about the Hyman Science Scholars Program? Send an email to


NSF logoNational Science Foundation
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1458339