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Expectations for Hyman Science Scholars

Program scholars Class of 2022 all students posing together

Requirements for Good Standing

Once a student has been admitted and accepted their spot in the Hyman Science Scholars Program, they must meet the following requirements to stay in the program:

  • Attend a pre-fall orientation event in August. This event is usually the day before the university’s Fall Welcome Weekend begins.
  • Maintain at least a 3.0 GPA in the courses required by their major starting in the sophomore year.
  • Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA in courses required by the major in all semesters; if no major determined yet, this requirement applies to math/science courses.
  • Continue making progress toward a program major, including declaring it once major declarations are available in the sophomore year: computer science, physics, mathematics, statistics, or data science. Any second major is fine if a student chooses to double major. Interdisciplinary majors with a CPaMS major are also fine.
  • Data science majors must choose a technical focus within the major's course choices, which means choosing electives from the sciences (statistics, math, and computer science).
  • Complete the required program courses with their Hyman Science Scholars cohort.

Please note that an official leave of absence will not cause you to lose your place in the Hyman Science Scholars Program. The semester(s) in which you are absent will put your scholarship on hold, and you will pick up again where you left off once you return to Loyola. Please get in touch with the director if you are planning to take a leave of absence to discuss any changes to the above requirements that may be necessary in your particular case so that we can set you up for success.

Required Coursework

One of the benefits of the Hyman Science Scholars Program is staying with your cohort of Scholars throughout your time at Loyola:

  • First year fall: Take CS151 Messina with your cohort. Once you are part of the program, Messina will work with the program director to ensure you are in the correct Messina course. In the spring semester you will all take a core course together.
  • Second year fall: CS/MA/ST/PH 200 Opportunities in STEM. This course is a one credit seminar course, where you will hear from people working in each of the program disciplines to help you determine your future path. It is graded pass/fail. You can see a prior fall semester seminar’s schedule of events.
  • Third year: Interdisciplinary experience to be completed by end of year, and reflection submitted at end of spring semester. See the third year webpage for details.
  • Fourth year fall: There is no course to sign up for in your final fall semester. This semester you will work with the program faculty to be prepared for your time after Loyola, whether it be a job or graduate school.


If you fail to meet any of the above requirements in a given semester, you will be placed on probation from the program for the following semester.  The earliest you can be placed on probation due to your overall major GPA is after the end of your sophomore fall semester. The major GPA is calculated based on your grades in courses that are required directly by your major (generally math and science courses, but varies by major). Your grades from your first year are only included in the calculation if they have a positive effect on your GPA, e.g. they are a B or above. Lower grades in your first year cannot hurt you in terms of probation overall major GPA calculations.

If you are placed on probation, you will have one semester to remedy your status. If you are unable to meet the requirements by the end of that probationary semester, you will no longer be a part of the Hyman Science Scholars Program. If you are able to remedy your status, you will remain in the program and be returned to good standing. However, you are only allowed one probationary semester during your time at Loyola; an additional semester failing to meet the above requirements will result in removal from the scholars program without a probationary term. Probationary notifications are sent out by the program director in January and June of each year.

If you decide to declare a major that is ineligible for the Hyman Science Scholars Program, you will not be put on probation but removed from the program. If you change major in the middle of the semester, it will not affect your scholarship (if applicable) until the following semester. If you do not fulfill the requirements for a particular year in the program, without discussing with the director to have extra time, you will also be removed from the program instead of put on probation.

Study Abroad

There are no study abroad requirements for Hyman Science Scholars. If you are planning to study abroad for an entire year, please get in touch with the program director to discuss how best to meet your third year program requirements. It is feasible to study abroad in all of the Hyman Science Scholar majors, but you should discuss your plans with your advisor as early in your time at Loyola as possible to ensure you can take the correct courses to graduate on time.

Apply to the Hyman Science Scholars Program


New Name, Same Program

Loyola's CPaMS Scholars Program is now the Hyman Science Scholars Program, thanks to the philanthropic support of a generous foundation whose leader has a passion for the sciences that will inspire the next generation of Loyola students. The only change is the name! Just like CPaMS Scholars, Hyman Science Scholars are academically talented students majoring in computer science, mathematics, statistics, data science, or physics. Students benefit from a cohort model through which they gain peer support and faculty mentorship, extracurricular enrichment, internship opportunities and career guidance in STEM-related fields.

Contact Us

Questions about the Hyman Science Scholars Program? Send an email to


NSF logoNational Science Foundation
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1458339