Safe Zone Members
We live in a world, where identifying as gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual, or questioning is often responded to with anger, fear, silence and sometimes even violence. Because of this climate, it is critical for LGBTQPIA+ individuals to have safer spaces to seek support, understanding, and full access to campus services without fear of marginalization.
A Safe Zone at Loyola sticker helps community members identify "safe" and "brave" spaces where they can freely share aspects of their sexual and gender identities.
By displaying a Safe Zone sticker, you are committing to creating a safer place for the discussion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans & gender non-conforming, queer, pansexual, intersex, asexual, and questioning related issues and a space where an LGBTQPIA+ individual can be assured that the Loyola community member they are speaking with has made a commitment to better understanding the unique ways that LGBTQPIA+ community members navigate our campus community and systems.
- As a member of the Safe Zone Network, I will thoroughly and continually evaluate my personal beliefs and educate myself on LGBTQPIA+ related issues in order to ensure that I am creating a safer space.
- As a member of the Safe Zone Network, I will create a non-judgmental, open-minded, hate-free environment where it is safer to discuss issues surrounding sexual and gender identity.
- As a member of the Safe Zone Network, I will challenge language and behavior that is contrary to providing a safe environment both in and out of my personal space.
- As a member of the Safe Zone Network, I understand that I may be questioned as to why I am committed to being a member. I will use these questions as an opportunity to educate others about the unique experiences of LGBTQPIA+ community members at Loyola.
- As a member of the Safe Zone Network, I will become familiar with issues, current events, and resources affecting the LGBTQPIA+ community.
- As a member of the Safe Zone Network, I will remove my sign if for any reason I begin to question my ability to be a member and provide a safe, knowledgeable, and affirming space.
- As a member of the Safe Zone network, I agree to uphold the integrity of Loyola's network. For instance, I will not share my sticker or electronic logo with anyone regardless of whether they have participated in Safe Zone training at another college or university, I will not display the logo in a way that suggests an entire office/department is Safe Zone trained if that is not the case, etc.
- As a member of the Safe Zone Network, I understand that my name and contact information will be published in various media and available to those who request it.
Current Members of the Loyola Safe Zone Network
Academic Departments and Schools
Department of Biology
- Bernadette Roche, Associate Professor
- Lisa Scheifele, Associate Professor, Department Chair
Sellinger School of Business and Management
- Stacy Chavez, Assistant Professor of Accounting
- Mary Ann Scully, Dean
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Brian Barr, Ph.D., Associate Professor
- John Hendrix, Assistant Teaching Professor
- Nicola McDougal, Ph.D., Assistant Teaching Professor
- Ada Maxwell, Program Assistant (also the Program Assistant for the Department of Data Science and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics)
Department of Communication and Media
- April Newton, Faculty and Messina Faculty Co-Director
- Paola Pascual-Ferrá, Associate Professor
School of Education
- Greta Brueck, Associate Director of Undergraduate and Graduate Program Operations
- Stephanie Flores-Koulish, Ph.D., Professor, Program Director of Curriculum and Instruction for Social Justice
- Marie Heath, Ed.D., Assistant Teaching Professor of Learning Design and Technology
- David Marcovitz, Ph.D., Professor of Learning Design and Technology, Associate Dean
- Heather Moore, Assistant Dean for Assessment and Data Management
Department of Engineering
- Sarvnaz Lotfi, Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow
Department of Forensic Science
- Theresa Allen, Director of Program Operations
- Marion Davidson, Assistant Teaching Professor
- Jon Fried, Graduate Director of Forensic Pattern Analysis, Assistant Teaching Professor
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
- Kelly Keenan, Director of the Language Learning Center
- Sarah Tyler, Assistant Teaching Professor
Department of Philosophy
- Frank Cunningham, Ph.D., Associate Professor Emeritus
- Fuat Gürsözlü, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
- Marianna Carlucci, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department Chair
- Darlene Jolly, Program Assistant, LCAS Admin Support Staff Team Lead
- Jason Prenoveau, Ph.D., Professor
- Emalee Quickel, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Director of Clinical Professional Counseling
- Elizabeth Stover, Program Coordinator of Undergraduate, Master's, and Doctoral Field Education
- Amanda Thomas, Professor
- Isabel Stevenson, Program Assistant (also the Program Assistant for the Department of Sociology)
Department of Sociology
- Amanda Konradi, Associate Professor, Department Chair, Director of Gender and Sexuality Studies Minor
Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
- Donna Pitts, Associate Professor, Graduate Program Director
Department of Theology
- John Kiess, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Department of Visual and Performing Arts
- Mary Beth Akre, Professor of Studio Arts
- Sophia Bell, Program Specialist
- Natka Bianchini, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Theatre
- Barnaby Nygren, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Art History
Department of Writing
- Martin Camper, Ph.D., Associate Professor
- Marian Crotty, Ph.D., Associate Professor
- Elise Fields, Program Assistant, LCAS Admin Support Staff Team Lead
- Peggy O'Neill, Ph.D., Professor
- Terre Ryan, Ph.D., Associate Professor
- Lisa Zimmerelli, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Academic Offices and Support
Academic Advising and Support Center
- Maggie Blackstone, Administrative Assistant
- Beth Foster, Advising Specialist
- Kylie Simonson, Advising Specialist
Office of Academic Affairs
- Claire Neubaum, Office Manager
Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies
- Mary Beth Mudric, Ph.D., Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies
- Mike Puma, Ph.D., Dean of Undergraduate Studies
Office of Graduate Admission
- Brian Gallagher, Assistant Dean of Graduate Enrollment, Director of Graduate Admission
Loyola Notre Dame Library
- Kate Strain, Technology Services Librarian
Office of the Registrar
- Megan Bottino, Graduation Specialist
- Audrey Kennedy, Special Programs Advisor
Rizzo Career Center
- Rachel Bachman, Assistant Director of Career Discovery
- Penelope Burlage Flury, Senior Events and Marketing Specialist
- Tim Cherney, Director of Career Readiness
- Christina Spearman, Assistant Vice President for Career Development
- Kaitlyn Winner, Assistant Director of Career Readiness
Office of Undergraduate Admission
- Andrew Cevasco, Director of Undergraduate Admission
- Rachel Scholten, Director of International Admission
- Teddi Burns, Associate Athletic Director, Senior Woman Administrator
Facilities and Risk Management
Office of Sustainability
- Danny Esposito, Sustainability Coordinator
Mission and Identity
Campus Ministry
- Seán Bray, Assistant Vice President for Mission, Director of Campus Ministry
- Emily Kane, Associate Director for Social Justice Ministry
- Laura McCormack, Associate Director for Liturgy and Music
Center for Community, Service, and Justice
- Pat Cassidy, Associate Director of Programs
- Gia Grier McGinnis, Executive Director
- Stephen Park, Ph.D., Faculty Director of Community-Engaged Learning and Scholarship, Associate Professor of English
Office of Equity and Inclusion
- Rhona Little, Diversity and Inclusion Specialist
- Rodney Parker, Ph.D., Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer
Office of External Relations
- Kate Grub Clark, Director of External Relations, Government and Community Relations
Office of Technology Services
- Thomas Breiner, Director of Client Support Services
- Charles Kumlehn, Assistant Director of Support Management
Office of Title IX and Bias Compliance
- Sydney Quantock, J.D., Assistant Director
- David Tiscione, Director, ADA/504 Coordinator
- Kelli Walker, Program Assistant
Public Safety
- Jocelyn Kelley, Associate Director of Support Operations and Clery Compliance
Student Development
Counseling Center
- Kourtney Bennett, Ph.D., Associate Director for Training
- Rachel Hartley, Program Assistant
- Jason Parcover, Ph.D., Assistant Vice President for Student Wellbeing
- Jen Stevens, LCSW-C, Associate Director for Clinical Services
Disability and Accessibility Services
- Abigail Hurson, Associate Director
- Taylor Thornton, Disability Accommodations Coordinator
Recreation and Wellness
- Katie Benoit, Assistant Director of Outdoor Adventures
Office of Residence Life and Housing
- Neil Andrito, Director
- Brooke Herold, Area Coordinator for Butler Hall and Hammerman House
- Garrison Schmitt, Assistant Director for Housing Operations
Student-Athlete Support Services Office
- Colleen Campbell, Director
Student Engagement
- Olivia Baumgartner, Assistant Director
- Sara Scalzo, Director
- Becca Winkler, Associate Director
Student Health and Education Services
- Eileen May, MS, FNP-BC, Certified Family Nurse Practitioner
- Marlena Waugh, MS, ANP-BC, CHWP, Assistant Director, Senior Clinician
Thrive Center
- Raven Williams, Co-Director
Women’s Center
- Melissa Lees, Director, Sexual Violence Prevention, Education, and Response Coordinator
- Sophie Williams, Administrative Assistant
Is your name missing or has your information changed? E-mail You’ll receive an updated Safe Zone Agreement to complete.