Working Group Deadlines
- Submit an Early Intervention Check-In (ongoing)
- Mentors: Submit your Enrichment Plan (by Thursday, January 23)
- Faculty: Submit your Course Syllabus (by Thursday, January 23)
- Mentors: Submit your Enrichment Audit (by Thursday, May 8)
- Budget and Transportation deadlines - see our Working Group Requests page
Early Intervention Check-In Form
Messina, in conjunction with the Dean of Students and the Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies, have created a process for working group members to share students of concern on a rolling basis. Our effort is to offer early intervention which includes resources and support when a student is facing financial, academic, health and well-being or social educational matters interfering with one’s ability to thrive inside and outside of the classroom.
Directions about the purpose of the check-in meeting and directions for completing the Check-In Form may be found in the Messina Handbook.
Any member of a Messina working group (mentor, faculty, or Evergreen) can submit a check-in report as needed throughout the semester.
Submit the Early Intervention Check-in Form
Enrichment Plan Submission
SPRING 2025: Due Thursday, January 23, 2025
The Enrichment session plan is submitted via Qualtrics by the Messina Mentor. The plan submission allows the Messina office to better anticipate which resources Messina classes plan to use and what activities/events classes will attend during the semester. The questions and information requested changes each semester. As part of the submission, Mentors will upload their enrichment session schedule that they share with their students. Please remember that it is okay to submit your plan before it is 100% finalized!
Submit your spring enrichment plan
Course Syllabus Submission
SPRING 2025: Due Thursday, January 23, 2025
Course syllabi should be submitted via Qualtrics by the Messina Faculty.
Submit your spring course syllabus
Enrichment Audit Submission
FALL 2024: Due Thursday, Dec 12, 2024
The Messina Mentor will submit the enrichment session audit, which helps us improve trainings for our new faculty, mentors, and Evergreens and refine the Messina resources we have, including the Messina Modules.
To streamline the collection, we will include an excel spreadsheet that includes a template for the current semester. It helps for everyone to use the same worksheet when reporting back to us.
STEP 1: Download the Fall 2024 Audit Template spreadsheet here
STEP 2: Submit the Fall 2024 Audit Qualtrics Form here
Here a few tips for inputting information into the form:
- We know that most of your plans will not follow the “once per week” session represented on the spreadsheet. You are encouraged to insert rows if you held more than one session in a given week.
- If you did not meet during a week, please note “Session cancelled” or “No session planned”
- Be specific with location and presenter information – we are trying to assess how useful the classrooms have been for enrichment activities and which offices were involved in enrichment session presentations. You can also indicate whether the faculty members, mentor or Evergreen took the role of primary presenter or if the responsibility was shared by the working group, an outside presenter or the students.
- Estimate the number of hours each activity took to complete (most sessions will be 1 hour if completed during class time).
- For the purple boxes (session content), please write a “1” in the box that best represents the primary focus of what you did during the session (of the six options provided – academic transition, social transition, reflection/discernment, course enrichment, theme related and service opportunity. Another option may also be relevant, but we ask that you limit your input to “1”. Click on each heading for session content to get a more detailed description of each category.
- For the green boxes (format), write a “1” in the box that best represents the format of the session – an enrichment session held during the scheduled time, a Messina-sponsored campus event, a campus event not sponsored by Messina or an off-campus event. Click on each heading for format to get a more detailed description of each category.
- For the blue boxes (learning outcomes), place a "1" in as many learning outcomes areas that apply to what you planned for each session. Click on each heading for learning outcomes to view each learning outcome.
- The open-ended questions address Messina priorities for the current academic year.
- If you worked with two sections that planned the same enrichment sessions, you will only need to fill out one grid. If the two sections differed, please submit two separate worksheets and complete the Qualtrics form twice.
- Submit a Qualtrics form for each enrichment audit you complete.
If you have any questions or would like assistance with these processes, please contact the Messina Office at 410-617-2669 or by e-mail at