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Enrichment Planning Resources for Working Groups

The following is a collection of information for groups to use in planning Enrichment Session activities throughout the semester. If you are accessing any files located in our Teams site, be sure to download your own copy of the file before making edits or distributing to students. Please contact Messina with any questions or suggestions for further resources.  

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Resource Page Description

Working Group Deadlines 

Information about working group deadlines during the semester, and links for submitting your course syllabus, enrichment plan, mid-semester check-in, and end-of-semester audits.  

Enrichment Planning Requests 

Submit budget and transportation requests, view links to budget request tutorials, and find information to request enrichment session facilitators. 

Live Update and Newsletter Archive

View recordings of Live Update meetings and working group newsletter issues from the current academic year.

Workshop Materials and Handouts

Messina Handbook, planning documents and enrichment templates, links to recordings, and more! 

Pre-Planned Enrichment Modules 

Links to Module Materials in Teams 

Baltimore Activities Guide 

Looking for ideas for a group outing? View the Baltimore Activities Guide for ideas of museums, restaurants, parks, and other locations that our groups have visited. Let us know if your group has a recommendation for somewhere that isn’t on the list! 

Messina Classroom Technology 

View information about Messina classrooms located in residence halls.