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The Visionary Course Pairing

Microeconomic Principles (EC 102)

Investigates how individuals in market economies make decisions about what goods will be produced, how they will be produced, and for whom they will be produced. Students learn to analyze the impacts of changes in markets; illustrate the concepts of consumer demand and production; and explain the process of profit maximization under various market structures. Topics include the laws of supply and demand; behavior of firms in competitive and noncompetitive markets; functioning of labor and capital markets; poverty and income inequality; economics and the environment; economic systems in other countries.

Faculty biography

Fr. James Kelly, S.J. -- bio coming soon!

Foundations of Philosophy (PL 201)

Socrates, at his trial, turns to his fellow citizens and offers the following admonition: "it is the greatest good for man to discuss virtue every day and those other things about which you hear me conversing and testing myself and others, for the unexamined life is not worth living" (Apology, 38a). Four things are revealed in Socrates' words that should command our attention. First is the claim itself that an unexamined life is not worth living; it is not a life for human beings. Second is the claim that this is not a good among any number of goods . . . it is the greatest good. Third is the suggestion that this good is not to be pursued in solitude but in discourse, in conversation with others. Last, and perhaps most difficult to appreciate, is the reminder that philosophy is an activity, a way of being in the world. The course begins with Socrates, and Socrates will serve as a model to guide our conversation as we explore the question: What is the good life? 

Faculty biography

Dr. Jim Snow has been a faculty member in the Department of Philosophy since 1996, but he shows no sign of slowing up! 

Mentor biography

Kristen Campbell McGuire is Loyola's chief marketing officer and oversees brand strategy, communications, marketing, web development, and creative design for the university. Kristen has been actively involved in the Baltimore community through her past work as executive director of the Baltimore Collegetown Network, as a program officer for a local philanthropic organization, and as a current mom of kids and dogs who like to run and play in new and interesting places around town. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in speech communication and Spanish from James Madison University and a Master of Publication Design from the University of Baltimore.

Virtual Advisor

This pairing is recommended for students considering a major in the Sellinger School of Business.  EC 102 satisfies a core social science requirement for Sellinger business students.  EC 102 is not recommended for students considering a major in Psychology, Sociology or Political Science.  PL 201 satisfies the Philosophy core requirement for all students.