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The Good Life Course Pairing

Foundations of Philosophy (PL 201)

Socrates, at his trial, turns to his fellow citizens and offers the following admonition: "it is the greatest good for man to discuss virtue every day and those other things about which you hear me conversing and testing myself and others, for the unexamined life is not worth living" (Apology, 38a). Four things are revealed in Socrates' words that should command our attention.; First is the claim itself that an unexamined life is not worth living; it is not a life for human beings. Second is the claim that this is not a good among any number of goods . . . it is the greatest good. Third is the suggestion that this good is not to be pursued in solitude but in discourse, in conversation with others. Last, and perhaps most difficult to appreciate, is the reminder that philosophy is an activity, a way of being in the world. The course begins with Socrates, and Socrates will serve as a model to guide our conversation as we explore the question: What is the good life?

Faculty Biography

Dr. Jim Snow has been a faculty member in the Department of Philosophy since 1996, but he shows no sign of slowing up!

Theology Matters: The Bible and the Good Life (TH 201)

This course explores the basic story of Christianity as told in scripture and the various ways that Christians have lived out this story across the centuries. The course examines how the Christian story influences life today, and how life today influences our telling of that story. Students of any and all religious locations will explore questions at the heart of the human story: Who is God? What is evil? Why is there suffering? What is justice in the Christian tradition? Christian theologians have wrestled with these questions for two millennia. The course will expose you to their responses, but more importantly will challenge you to consider your own position. Throughout the course you will be considering how your responses to these, and other, questions influence your conception of  "the good life" and the virtues needed to achieve human flourishing.

Faculty biography

Dr. Jill Snodgrass is a Professor of Theology and a pastoral and practical theologian. She joined the Loyola faculty in 2011. Her research focuses on spiritual care and counseling with traditionally marginalized populations and her interdisciplinary approach to theology privileges the Ignatian value of a "faith that does justice."

Mentor Biography

Jay Venit is the Assistant Director of Operations and Aquatics at the FAC. He went to Loyola and received an Undergraduate Degree in Finance, before attending the University of Florida to get his Masters in Sports Management with a Specialization in High Performance Coaching. Outside of his role at the FAC, Jay is also one of the Assistant Coaches for the Varsity Swim Team.

Sophie Williams is the Administrative Assistant for the Women's Center and Office of Student Support and Wellness Promotion (SSWP). Prior to her employment at Loyola, Sophie graduated from The Catholic University of America with a Bachelor of Music in Musical Theatre and has performed at numerous venues on the East Coast. A Baltimore native herself, she is happy to help Loyola students acclimate both to the Loyola's campus and its city. 

 Virtual Advisor

TH 201 satisfies the Theology core requirement for all students. It also satisfies one of the Diversity and Justice requirements. PL 201 satisfies the Philosophy core requirement for all students.