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The Good Life Course Pairing

Introduction to the Universe (PH 120)

A survey of the history of astronomy and the current state of this science. A look at the probabilities of, and search for, extraterrestrial life. A study of our solar system, stars and their evolution, our galaxy and other galaxies, supernovas, pulsars, black holes, quasars.

Faculty biography

Dr. Inge Heyer - Born and raised in Berlin, Germany, Dr. Inge Heyer completed her secondary education there before accepting a language scholarship to attend Tenri University (Japan). Later she moved to the US to earn an undergraduate degree in Astronomy and Physics, an M.S. in Astronomy, and a Ph.D. in Science Education. Over 20 years as professional astronomer Dr. Heyer worked as senior data analyst at the Space Telescope Science Institute, as deputy press officer for the American Astronomical Society, and as the public information officer at the Joint Astronomy Centre. She earned Shodan in both Judo and Karate and contributed as guest science blogger to Dr. Heyer teaches astronomy and physics at Loyola University Maryland. She is co-author of seven books, including Investigating Astronomy which is used for this class. And if you have ever wondered how those beautiful Hubble images got into science fiction series like Babylon-5 and Star Trek, here is the troublemaker who instigated this.

Foundations of Philosophy (PL 201)

The first half of a yearlong, two semester introduction to philosophical questioning. Special attention is paid to the origins of philosophy, both with respect to its historical beginnings and its central themes, in the ancient world. Four focal points are: the emergence and development of the distinction between reality and appearance (metaphysics); questions concerning the grounds for distinguishing between knowledge and opinion (epistemology); the nature and status of values (ethical, aesthetic, religious, etc.) within the larger framework of human understanding (axiology); and reflections on the nature of the human as such, or on the human condition (philosophical anthropology).

Faculty biography

Professor David Gordon has been teaching in the Philosophy Department since 2016. He teaches Ethics, the History of Philosophy, and Environmental Philosophy. He has been involved in Messina since 2020.

Mentor biography

Tonya Lewis is the School of Education's Director of Undergraduate and Graduate Programs. Tonya began her career at Loyola as the Program Coordinator for the Jack Kent Cooke Funded College Advising program in 2008. Prior to joining Loyola, she worked as a high school College Counselor, assisting high school seniors with post-secondary preparation. She is a native Washingtonian with a B.S. and M.S. from the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore. In her free time, she enjoys going to concerts, attending UMD basketball games with her son, and reading.


Virtual Advisor

PL 201 satisfies the Philosophy core requirement for all students. PH 120 satisfies a core requirement for non-science majors. This course pairing is not recommended for students considering a major in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, Forensic Science, Engineering, or Elementary Education.