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The Good Life Course Pairing

Effective Writing (WR 100)

This course will introduce you to the discipline of writing in the university through analytical and productive work with the contemporary essay and its various genres. You will learn how to conceive and pursue a line of inquiry about a subject, how to develop an original argument, and how to support an argument with various sources of evidence, including scholarly research. You will develop and practice a full writing process, including planning, drafting, considering critical feedback, revising, reflecting, and editing. And you will hone your critical reading skills to evaluate and engage with other people's arguments. To help you achieve these goals, we will critically examine and respond to texts, in a range of genres, written by authors in the real world for real audiences. We will also do a lot of writings consciously and reflectively employing the concepts and strategies we learn about inside and outside of class. All of the work we do in this class is grounded in rhetoric: the effective use of language and symbols, always sensitive to context, especially one's audience and productive of change. The various skills you learn and practice in this course will enable you to become a more thoughtful, reflective, critical thinker who can participate in intellectual and world-shaping conversations inside and outside the academy. 

Faculty biography

Professor Dominic Micer has been reading and writing for more than half a century and has been teaching writing for nearly a third of a century. His favorite book is Primo Levi's The Periodic Table; his favorite painting is Winslow Homer's Right and Left, and his favorite musical composition is Steve Reich's The Desert Music. He has been known to tell a joke or two in class; students in the class have been known to laugh at those jokes sometimes. 

Programming Tools for Engineering and Science (EG 140)

Introduces elementary programming topics, including types, control flow (conditionals and loops), procedural decomposition, and basic data structures. Introduces design and software testing. Includes a general survey of some of the significant areas of computer engineering. Required for engineering majors.

Faculty biography

Dr. Hossein Aghababa is an Assistant Teaching Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Loyola University Maryland. He has received his PhD degree in electronics from the University of Tehran. He conducts research on quantum computation and communication.

Mentor biography

Kate Grubb Clark is a native Baltimorean who currently works as the director of external affairs for government and community relations. As a double alum (BA, MBA) from Loyola she looks forward to welcoming a new class of students every year in Messina and helping to guide them through their first year and beyond.

Virtual Advisor

WR 100 satisfies the Composition core requirement for all students. EG140 fulfills a major requirement for engineering majors. This pairing is recommended for students who are planning to major or minor in engineering.