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The Good Life Course Pairing

Encountering the Past: Blackness in Ancient Greece and Rome (HS 100) 

Why does history matter? This course explores why the study of the past is essential for understanding our present. Through the lens of a single historical topic that varies by instructor, students are introduced to what it means to think like a historian and weave compelling stories. Along the way, students learn to ask critical questions, to evaluate evidence, to make persuasive arguments, and to write clearly and cogently. The course introduces students to how and why histories are produced, but more than that, it sets out to provide new ways of thinking about the human experience and about our place in the world today.

Faculty biography

Dr. Thomas McCreight has taught at Loyola for over 30 years in the Classics, History and English departments.  He has degrees in Classics and Classical Studies from Brown, City University of New York and Duke.  His research interests are the ancient Greek and Latin novels and Latin prose of the years 50-200 CE.

Philosophical Perspectives: Gender and Nature (PL 232)

This course examines the concept of nature with particular attention to how ideas about hierarchy, gender, and violence have affected our relationship to the natural world. We will particularly focus on the links of oppression between humans and nature, and humans and animals. Some of the issues we will discuss include gender and animals; gender and race aspects of environmentalism in popular culture; women and climate change; women and environmental disasters; gender and urban environment; and global economy, nature, and gender.

Faculty biography

Dr. Selin Gursozlu grew up in Istanbul and received her Ph.D. in Philosophy from State University of New York at Binghamton. She held a three year post-doctoral teaching position at Villanova University before coming to Loyola in 2014. Her main areas of philosophical interest are Ethics, Feminist Philosophy, and Social and Political Philosophy.

Mentor biography

Bio coming soon!

Virtual Advisor

HS 100 satisfies the History core requirement for all students. Students who choose this pairing will be pre-registered for PL 201 in the fall semester as a pre-requisite to PL 232.