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Stories We Tell Course Pairing

Effective Writing: Writing in a Diverse and Changing World (WR 100)

By listening to others' stories and writing our own, we will discover how writing can deepen our understanding of ourselves and others. We will experience the power of the written word to change our understanding of the world around us as we read and write about contemporary issues such as race, class, gender, and sexuality. We will explore the stories we tell and how we tell them so we can engage multiple audiences and achieve multiple purposes.

Faculty biography

Dr. Peggy O'Neill has taught a variety of writing courses including Effective Writing, Style, Intro to Rhetoric, and Professional Writing, as well as service- learning and diversity courses. She enjoys working with first-year students and supporting them as they navigate the transition to Loyola and Baltimore. She also has been involved in activities that help students link what they learn in college with career readiness. Outside of work, she spends her spare time hiking in nearby parks, kayaking in Hawk Cove on the Chesapeake Bay, and reading mysteries. 

Law & Social Justice (LW 102)

Students will study contemporary, controversial issues that sit at the intersection of law and social justice. These issues include mass incarceration, voting rights, the 2017 Charlottesville Unite the Right rally, race in the NFL, immigration reform, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and same-sex parenting in the United States. Students will engage in lively, interactive, challenging debates and exercises. The course provides opportunities for students to explore a wide range of majors, including communication, business, political science, psychology, and writing. The course inspires students to think critically, understand responsible citizenship, and take action against injustice. This course meets the University's Diversity Course Requirement for justice awareness.  

Faculty biography

Professor Andrea Giampetro-Meyer is a lawyer who uses her advocacy skills to promote social justice. Professor Giampetro has a special skill in helping first-year students select a major and start on a career path. She also enjoys challenging students with readings about race and gender discrimination.  

Mentor biography

Jack Hobson: With over two decades in international education, Hobson currently serves as the Dean of International Programs at Loyola University Maryland. Jack holds undergraduate and masters degrees in French and International Relations from the University of Oklahoma and a doctorate from Creighton University in Educational Leadership.

Virtual Advisor

WR 100 satisfies the Composition core requirement for all students. LW 102 counts toward the diversity requirement for all students. This course pairing may be particularly interesting to students who are interested in Forensics and/or pre-law.