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Stories We Tell Course Pairing

The Art of Reading (EN 101)

An introduction to literature and literary analysis, focusing primarily on poetry and short fiction. The course teaches critical concepts and methods. It is writing intensive, with an emphasis placed on students’ ability to develop clear and persuasive arguments in prose.

Faculty Biography

Dr. Katherine Shloznikova is a faculty member in the department of English. She is a recent transplant to Baltimore from New York, among other places. She likes theater, museums, standup comedy and traveling. She is currently at work on a book about egoism and its discontents. 

Experience of Theatre (DR 251)

Students experience theatre by performing different roles associated with theatrical production. Students act as readers, audience members, actors, reviewers, playwrights, directors, and designers. An emphasis is placed on students understanding and experiencing all aspects of the theatrical process. Includes attendance at theatre productions on campus and in the Baltimore/Washington area. 

Faculty Biography

Dr. Jim Bunzli has taught in the Theatre program at Loyola for over 20 years and has directed a wide variety of productions on campus. He also works off campus as a professional actor and director, having served recently as Interim Artistic Director for Compass Rose Theatre in Annapolis. He is delighted to be able to inspire students to make theatre part of their lives-whether as a profession, an avocation, a just an occasional entertainment. 

Mentor Biography

Brian Loeffler - Bio coming soon!

Virtual Advisor

EN 101 satisfies the Literature core requirement for all students. DR 251 satisfies the Fine Arts core requirement for all students.