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Stories We Tell Course Pairing

Multimedia Storytelling (CM 308)

A practical exploration of how multimedia stories are crafted and their audience effects in news, persuasion, and entertainment. Students produce their own media stories in a variety of formats and strategies, apply design and aesthetic principles, and consider their legal and ethical responsibilities as media storytellers. 

Faculty biography

Dr. Sara Magee specializes in broadcast and multimedia journalism. She uses a mix of hands-on experience, skills learning, and theory to teach students about the ethics and effective use and production of local, national and global news and media content, of social media for communication and issues of fan culture and society.

Foundations of Philosophy: Philosophy of Happiness (PL 201)

The first half of a yearlong, two semester introduction to philosophical questioning. Special attention is paid to the origins of philosophy, both with respect to its historical beginnings and its central themes, in the ancient world. Four focal points are: the emergence and development of the distinction between reality and appearance (metaphysics); questions concerning the grounds for distinguishing between knowledge and opinion (epistemology); the nature and status of values (ethical, aesthetic, religious, etc.) within the larger framework of human understanding (axiology); and reflections on the nature of the human as such, or on the human condition (philosophical anthropology).

Faculty biography

Dr. Drew Leder does work on the philosophy of the body, and philosophy of medicine. He also has written a number of books on cross-cultural spirituality in everyday life, and done work with and about maximum security prisoners. He is a "public philosopher" who is internationally known and whose work has been featured in many magazines and newspapers. He lives in Baltimore (happily) with his beloved wife and dog, visited by their two adult daughters.

Mentor biography

Chris Kimani - Bio coming soon

Virtual Advisor

This course pairing is recommended for students who are considering a major or minor in Communications. PL 201 satisfies the Philosophy core requirement for all students.