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Self and Other Course Pairing

First-year Seminar in Psychology: Navigating Emerging Adulthood (PY 102)

Emerging adulthood (age 18 – 25) is a unique developmental period between adolescence and adulthood characterized by exploration, identity development and “feeling in-between.” During this time, emerging adults often experience instability as they transition from dependence on parents to other commitments including careers and romantic partners. This is also an introspective stage as emerging adults often have more freedom of choice than at other times in life. In this course, we will explore what science tells us about emerging adulthood. Students will be introduced to relevant developmental theorists and scientific methodology, and learn foundational psychology-related skills (e.g., reading empirical articles, writing in APA-style). In addition, students will engage in experiential activities related to the developmental milestones associated with emerging adulthood.

Faculty Biography

Dr. Rachel Grover is a licensed clinical psychologist who studies social skills development, friendships, romantic relationships, and anxiety in children, adolescents, and emerging adults. She teaches Introductory Psychology, Child Development, Adolescent Development, and Research Methods in Psychology. She also teaches in both the Psychology Masters and Doctoral programs at Loyola University Maryland.

Introduction to Education: School and Society (ED 100)

Introduces students to the role of education in today’s multicultural world and their own academic disciplines. Topics include the historical and sociological foundations of education and implications for schooling our increasingly diverse population; principles of how children learn; ways schools can facilitate student achievement; and the impact of educational technology. Concurrent with readings and discussions, students learn through hands-on experience and interactions with K-12 pupils in communities and in schools. The co-requisite for this course is a field experience in a school setting.

Faculty Biography

Dr. Jessica Enos is a clinical assistant professor in the Teacher Education department. Jessica previously taught elementary school in Baltimore City Public Schools and Prince George's County Public Schools before finishing her doctoral degree at the University of Maryland College Park. Currently, she supervises teaching interns in Baltimore City and Baltimore County Public Schools and teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses within the School of Education.

Mentor Biography

Pat Cassidy (he/him) is the Associate Director for Programs in the Center for Community, Service, and Justice (CCSJ) as well as the moderator of The LGBTQ+ Experience and Loyola's Sewing Club. A Connecticut native, Pat has lived in Baltimore since 2010 after finishing two years of post-graduate service with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps in Belize. In his free time, Pat enjoys being active outdoors, exploring new coffee shops and restaurants throughout the city, and road-tripping anywhere and everywhere.

Virtual Advisor

For PY majors, PY 102 counts as a major elective. For non-PY majors, PY 102 may fulfill a social science core requirement (excluding Sellinger School or Business, sociology, and political science). This course pairing is recommended for students considering a major or minor in education.