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Self and Other Course Pairing

The Art of Reading (EN 101)

In this course we will explore the rich spectrum of humanity through various literary genres: poetry, short fiction and drama. We will think carefully about literature as a form of representation – about what literary text means and how it means. How do stories or poems speak about life experiences, moral conflicts, emotions and relationships? A thorough knowledge of the humanities will help us become more thoughtful, articulate, engaged, critical, and culturally sensitive citizens of our global community. 

Faculty Biography

Dr. Katherine Shloznikova is a faculty member in the department of English. She is a recent transplant to Baltimore from New York, among other places. She likes theater, museums, standup comedy and traveling. She is currently at work on a book about egoism and its discontents.  

Encountering the Past (HS 100)

Why does history matter? This course explores why the study of the past is essential for understanding our present. Through the lens of a single historical topic that varies by instructor, students are introduced to what it means to think like a historian and weave compelling stories. Along the way, students learn to ask critical questions, to evaluate evidence, to make persuasive arguments, and to write clearly and cogently. The course introduces students to how and why histories are produced, but more than that, it sets out to provide new ways of thinking about the human experience and about our place in the world today.

Faculty Biography

Dr. Austin Parks - Bio coming soon!

Mentor Biography

Mark Dushel is the Assistant Director for Faith Formation. Mark, a Baltimore native, studied philosophy in undergrad at Providence College and earned his Master’s in Theology and Ministry from Boston College. Previously Mark has worked in Campus Ministry at St. Joseph’s Preparatory School and spent a year as a Jesuit Novice where he deepened his love of Ignatian Spirituality. Mark enjoys cooking, sailing, bar trivia at breweries, and watching as much college basketball as possible.

Virtual Advisor

EN 101 satisfies the Literature core requirement for all students. HS 100 satisfies the History core requirement for all students.