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For Students

Students walking and hanging out together around the quad

Please visit the links below to find helpful resources. Due to state licensing laws, students must be residing in Maryland to be eligible for Let’s Talk, assessment, and therapy services. The Counseling Center located in Humanities 150 is open M-F from 8:30am until 5pm (EST) and closed when the university is closed.  If you would like to make an appointment with a counselor, schedule an appointment online, stop by our office, or call 410-617-227.

Important note: This site is not designed to respond to personal concerns or emergencies. In case of emergency, please see our list of emergency contacts.

Other Services at Loyola

Many Loyola offices provide services to assist you with life’s challenges and circumstances and to help you become successful. Below is a listing of some of the offices that you may find helpful during your time here:

Academic Advising and Support Center

410-617-5050, Maryland Hall 043

Provides student resources for academic support, including assistance for students who are struggling academically, services for students with learning disabilities, core and major advisor support, and handling of issues related to major declaration, course registration/addition/ withdrawal, and pre-approval of summer transfer courses.

Thrive Center for Student Success

410-617-2310, Student Center E313

The Thrive Center for Student Success provides holistic coaching to students as they navigate the complexities of college life. Through mentoring, programming, and outreach, the Thrive Center strives to ensure that each student flourishes at Loyola and beyond. Students can access comprehensive support services and engage with cultural and identity-based student organizations and programming.

Campus Ministry

410-617-2768, Cohn Hall 12

Facilitates opportunities for worship, music, retreats, spiritual development, and pastoral care.

Center for Community, Service, and Justice

410-617-2380, Cohn Hall 08

Engages students in involvement with and action on behalf of individuals, groups, and communities who experience poverty, hunger, homelessness, educational disadvantage, and other forms of marginalization.

Department of Public Safety

410-617-5010, 5104 York Road

Provides police and security services to the Loyola community using crime prevention strategies, educational awareness programs, and highly visible bike, foot, and vehicle patrols.

Disability and Accessibility Services

410-617-2750, Maryland Hall 141

Provides support and accommodations for students with a documented disability, including note-takers, books in alternative format, testing modifications, housing modifications, organization coaching, etc.

Financial Aid

410-617-2576, Humanities 211

Administers all scholarship, grant, loan, and work-study financial aid programs available to students.

International Programs

410-617-2910, Humanities 132

Supports Loyola’s special commitment to promote international education by offering a wide range of study abroad opportunities and persistent support of international activities on campus. 

Loyola/Notre Dame Library


Provides students with information services and resources required to support their academic programs and educational concerns.

Recreation and Wellness / Fitness & Aquatic Center

410-617-5453, FAC 100

Provides an array of recreation opportunities in an educational, social, and supportive environment including cardio/strength training, group exercise, yoga, pilates, fitness assessments, personal fitness training, swim lessons, intramural sports, club sports, outdoor adventures, ballroom dancing, scuba, lifeguarding and CPR courses, and numerous student employment opportunities.

Residence Life & Housing

410-617-5081, Seton Court 08B

Coordinates the residential experience of students to encourage a healthy community and assists with support for students on their own for the first time.

Student Engagement

410-617-2032, Student Center 413

Consists of first-year/new student programs, sophomore year initiatives, and leadership/civic engagement, and aims to address the developmental needs of students in transition, deepen students’ understanding of principles of a Jesuit education, and promote the development of ethical/civic-minded leaders and community members. Develops activities in conjunction with campus leaders to meet the social and cultural needs of students, such as Best of Baltimore, OPTIONS and more than 100 student organizations.

Student Health and Education Services

410- 617-5055, Seton Court 02A

Provides active promotion, health protection, and disease prevention services for students consistent with the educational mission of the University.

Student Support Services and Wellness Promotions

410-617-2928, Seton Court 02B

Helps students make safe and healthy choices regarding alcohol and drug use by providing a variety of programs and services including education, counseling, treatment and campus prevention. Individual and group support services are also offered to students seeking abstinence from drug or alcohol use, and students from homes with drug or alcohol problems, often called Adult Children of Alcoholics.

The Career Center

410-617-2232, College Center CT W002

Career advisors available to help students discover their career passion and assist in choosing or changing a major, clarifying interests, obtaining full-time, part-time, summer employment, and/or internship opportunities, improving job readiness skills, and selecting/applying to grad school, etc.

The Study

410-617-2104, Jenkins Hall 310

The Study is an academic resource center which provides free peer tutoring, a quiet study environment, a computer lab, and academic success workshops on study skills like note-taking, time management, and test preparation strategies. Students can also receive free individual or small group academic counseling.

The Writing Center

410-617-5415, Maryland Hall 057

Provides consulting services for both graduate and undergraduate students at all three campuses to assist writers in all stages of the writing process from brainstorming to drafting, to the final revisions. Consultants encourage decisions on style, voice, audience, and purpose.

Note: These sites are not maintained by Loyola's Counseling Center. These pages may be helpful but are not meant to replace consultation with a mental health professional.

Helpful Links
  • Counseling Pamphlets – This site is maintained by the University of Chicago Counseling Center. It provides information on a broad array of psychological and emotional topics.
  • American Psychological Association – This site is maintained by the American Psychological Association. It provides information on psychological issues related to work, family, the mind-body connection, and choosing a psychologist.
  • The Counseling Center Village – This site is maintained by SUNY Buffalo. It provides many great resources related to counseling centers, self-help, and training in psychology.

Note: These sites are not maintained by the Counseling Center of Loyola University. These pages may be helpful but are not meant to replace consultation with a mental health professional.

Contact Us

Humanities, Room 150
One flight up the turret entrance
Phone: 410-617-CARE (2273)

Call to schedule an appointment
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Vector Mental Health Training

REACT Online

REACT is an online video that explains how to help yourself or someone you care about cope in healthy ways after a distressing life event (such as a trauma, assault, or loss).