Campus Partnerships and Outreach
The Counseling Center embraces a public health approach to develop and implement outreach
activities that are community centered and reflect cultural humility. We aim for cura
personalis, or care of the whole person, with the collective experience of our campus
and local community in mind. We value our relationships with students, campus partners,
and community organizations.
As we strive to continue centering the needs of individuals and our community more
broadly, we hope to grow our alliances and outreach to increase coordination of care
and connection on our campus. We are grateful for the partnerships we have fostered
thus far; check out some examples our partnership highlights below:
Thrive Center for Student Success | Staff mentor participation in Sister-to-Sister, Man-to-Man, Hora de Café con Leche,
and Academic and Career Enrichment Workshops. Co-facilitation of affinity support spaces such as Prism, a supportive space for connection among LGBTQIA+ people of color, and Empower, a support group for students of color. |
Campus Ministry | Consultation on the growth of interfaith resources at the University. |
Center for Community, Service, & Justice | Collaboration and information sharing about justice initiatives, training, and opportunities for partnership with our neighboring communities. |
The Collective and OUT Loyola | Collaboration with partners on addressing discrimination experienced by LGBTQ+ community
members. Contributions to the development of the Ignatian Q conference and the Pride Resource Room. |
Disability and Accessibility Services | Co-facilitation and collaboration on resources and education to address ableism on our campus. Facilitation of Excel, a support space for students who have a disability or face learning challenges. |
International Student Services |
Collaboration on training and resource sharing for international students and undocumented students through initiatives such as UNIDAS (United Network for Immigrants, Dreamers, and Advocates) |
Mental Health Task Force |
Campus wide partnership of faculty, students, and student development offices that aims to address the mental health needs of the campus community while centering the experiences of marginalized groups. |
Student Athlete Support Services | Partnership to co-facilitate conversations on experiences of discrimination and the mental health concerns student athletes. Mentorship of student groups addressing the mental health needs of student athletes |
Student Health and Education Services | Participation in training and consultation about public health messaging and resources. |
The Women’s Center | Consultation and support resource for Take Back the Night and Sexual Assault Awareness month. |
Due to state licensing laws, students must be residing in Maryland to be eligible for Let’s Talk, assessment, and therapy services. The Counseling Center is open Monday-Friday from 8:30am until 5pm (EST) and closed when the university is closed. If you would like to make an appointment to speak with a counselor schedule an appointment online, stop by our office located in Humanities 150, or call us at 410-617-2273.
Contact Us
Humanities, Room 150One flight up the turret entrance
Phone: 410-617-CARE (2273)
Call to schedule an appointment
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.