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Connecting With Alumni

One of the benefits of attending Loyola University Maryland is access to our accomplished alumni community. Many are happy to serve as a resource for students (and fellow alumni) who are seeking career advice or hoping to gain industry insights. Building relationships with alumni is a great way to learn, create a supportive community, and discover hidden opportunities. Greyhoud Nation can be one of your greatest career resources if used effectively.

  • Identify goals for your outreach. Having a goal in mind will help craft your messages and prepare your questions. You can also consult our Informational Interviewing guide for ideas.
  • Research the person you are contacting to identify common interests, mutual connections, and accomplishments to discuss - this can help you determine what you might be able to learn. 
  • Follow these LinkedIn tips to ensure your profile is complete before connecting!

NOTE: If you are reaching out through LinkedIn, you usually need to "connect" before you can send a message. Be sure to include a brief note with every connection request that mentions Loyola and some context about why you want to connect. 

  • Briefly introduce yourself including major and other key experiences. Point out anything you might have in common like a Loyola group, major, or interest.
  • Reach out with a clear ask - that makes it easier for someone to say yes. Asking for an informational interview or to set up a 20 minute conversation gets better results because they know what to expect, rather than a vague request that leaves them wondering if you want more than they can provide.
  • While these relationships can lead to a job offer, that is not the primary goal. Begin by gathering information - be curious and let them talk about themselves and share their knowledge.
  • At the end of your conversation, ask for an introduction/referral to others who might have similar interests or knowledge to share.
  • It is important to follow up and follow through with your contacts to maintain the relationship and achieve your goals. If you agreed on any action steps, make sure you deliver on your promises.
  • Show your appreciation for their time with a thank you email or handwritten note. Mention a specific bit of advice you appreciated, let them know you are eager to be of support, and interested in future opportunities ("please keep me on file"). 
  • If you want to stay in touch and maintain the connection, find reasons to reach out regularly (you can put reminders on your calendar). You can update them on your progress, let them know you followed a piece of their advice, send an article related to their field, or congratulate them on an accomplishment. 

LinkedIn Alumni Tool

Access all Loyola Alumni & Students on LinkedIn


  • See exactly what alumni have done with your same degree and major
  • Access to potential job and internship opportunities
  • Insight into career options that can provide clarity and confidence making decisions
  • Internal advocate at target companies who can provide an insider perspective
  • Contacts (and potential friends) in a new location if you are moving
  • Possible job shadowing to test career options or gain needed clinical hours

LinkedIn Alumni Tool Screenshot

Exploring the outcomes and career paths of other Loyola students and alumni can be very illuminating. There are so many ways to utilize and make meaning of all the information available. The search is helpful if you are looking for a specific keyword or phrase on someone's profile. There are also six tabs with categories that allow you to drill down and narrow the results -  you can also search within each of the categories.  You will see the wide variety of careers pursued by people who had the same major. You can access the list of all alumni who work at specific companies or organizations you may be interested in. Browsing by the "what they do" tab can show you the top employers of Loyola graduates in that industry and provide additional career options. And using the graduation date filter allows you to target young alumni who more recently have been in your shoes or more senior leaders with comprehensive perspective.

If you see someone who has an interesting job or is doing something you’d like to do, you can check out their profile for more information. It will tell you what degrees or certifications they might have and their job history can show how they progressed to their current role. Explore the groups they belong to and who they are following to find new ways to stay current and engaged in the industry. Note the skills they prioritize on their profile and work to build or promote them.

As a reminder, the alumni feature is just one way to ulitize LinkedIn. Learn about additional tools and tips to make the most of all LinkedIn has to offer. And, as always, the Rizzo Career Center is here to help - schedule an appointment in Handshake or stop by drop in hours from noon - 3:00 daily to practice.


The Rizzo Career Center provides many opportunities to connect with alumni and other employers in person. You can find these events in Handshake. Take advantage of alumni panels, career treks, career fairs and other networking events to build connections as well. Make a good first impression by practing an introduction or your "elevator pitch."

Sponsorship Program

The Sponsorship Program is another opportunity we offer to connect with alumni. The program is designed to connect sophomores, juniors, and seniors who may be underrepresented in their fields of study to an experienced Loyola alumni sponsor. A sponsor goes beyond just giving advice and is fully invested in your post-graduate/career success. Members of the program, will also receive tailored support and career related guidance, as well as professional development opportunities and help building your network!

Alumni Volunteers

If you are an alumnus looking to give back and get more involved with the Career Center to serve as a resource, speak to a class, or host a trek to your employer please fill out this form and we will be in touch.