Sponsorship Program
Program Overview
The Rizzo Career Center Sponsorship Program is designed to connect Sophomore, Juniors, and Seniors of all majors who may be underrepresented in their fields of study to an experienced Loyola Alumni sponsor who is fully invested in your post-graduate/career success. As a member of this program, you will also receive tailored support and career related guidance, as well as professional development opportunities and help building your network!
In collaboration with Thrive Center for Student Success and Alumni Engagement, this program will be conducted over 9 weeks in the Spring Semester beginning in January or February. Every 3 weeks this program will focus on a Career Services phase: Weeks 1-3: Exploration, Weeks 4-6: Preparation, and Weeks 7-9: Active Pursuit. Sponsors and protégés meet at least twice during each 3-week phase. Participants also attend 3 mandatory group sessions held at the Career Center in February, March, and April.
Each Student and their sponsor are given a syllabus to use as a guide throughout the program. Sponsors and students are encouraged to follow a timeline that works for them and ensures that the tasks listed are completed prior to the end of the program.

Application Process
To apply for the program, you will need to attend an Information Session in the Fall Semester. After attending, you will receive a link to the application by email. Complete the application in Handshake. The matching process will take a few weeks. Students will be notified whether they are selected to be a part of the program or not at the beginning of Spring Semester. If selected, you will be given next steps and instructions on how to confirm you participation in the program.
Please contact Douglas Jones at djones12@loyola.edu with any questions or for additional information.