Counseling Continuing Education Courses
The following courses are offered by the School Counseling program for practicing School Counselors who wish to take additional coursework for professional development or relicensure.
- Lauryn's Law
- CBT Approach to Bibliotherapy
- Introduction to Coaching for Counselors
- Systemic Approach to Social and Emotional Issues in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Clinical Supervision Series
- Approaching Counseling from the Inside Out series
EDGC822: Lauryn's Law: School Counselor's Response to Indicators of Mental Illness and Behavioral Distress (1.0 Graduate Credit)
This course meets the educational requirements outlined in Lauryn’s Law. Specifically, this course enhances the school counseling practitioners' knowledge and skills to understand and respond to the social, emotional, and personal development of students, including knowledge and skills relating to: (1) the recognition of indicators of mental illness and behavioral distress, including depression, trauma, violence, youth suicide, and substance abuse; and (2) the identification of professional resources to help students in crisis. This course for school counselors provides a current, interactive overview of these skills and supports participants’ development/acquisition of a resource bank for distribution to parents or guardians, school staff, and students, as appropriate.
Spring 2025:
May 27- June 29, 2025
EDGC823: CBT Approach to Bibliotherapy (1.0 Graduate Credit)
Practitioners learn to incorporate literature—including books, poetry, song lyrics, etc.—into their work with children and adolescents to address personal growth and/or help students deal with concerns that impact their mental health.
Throughout this self-paced course, practitioners learn how to apply bibliotherapy as a creative counseling approach grounded in cognitive behavioral theory. Through the use of literature, children and adolescents analyze and interpret the actions of book characters to gain insight into their own issues. Utilizing a CBT framework, practitioners learn how to create a safe distance for young people to deal with issues related to self-regulation, anxiety, or chronic stress by attending to the cognitive processes that maintain a maladaptive behavior. Additionally, practitioners explore diverse literature that addresses a variety of issues often faced by young people.
Dates will be announced.
EDGC826.W01- Introduction to Coaching for Counselors
This 2-credit course provides 30 hours of learning on the topic of coaching. This course is designed around four specific areas aligned with the Board-Certified Coach credential. The four areas include Ethic and Regulatory Guidelines, coaching knowledge, and Applications, Assessment, and Practice management. The course is delivered asynchronously with opportunities to receive feedback and interact with your instructor through teleconferencing.
Summer 2025:
June 2- August 15, 2025
Cost: $800.00
EDGC845: A Systemic Approach to Social and Emotional Issues in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (1.0 Graduate Credit)
Students with diagnoses of Autism Spectrum Disorder are a growing part of school counselors' caseloads. This course will examine the experience and needs of this diverse population through a multidisciplinary ecological systems perspective. With this understanding, it will describe effective counseling practices across educational career, and social-emotional domains as well as school counselors' role in the team supporting these students and their families.
Dates will be announced.
Cost: $350
Clinical Supervision I (EDGC840) (1.0 Graduate Credit)
Students seeking supervision hours toward a LCPC may participate in this group supervision experience. Students are expected to be working with clients, and to bring cases to the supervision class for supervision, discussion, and problem solving. Students will utilize the required forms for supervision as outlined in state requirements for supervision experience. The focus of this supervision experience as case conceptualization and the development of treatment plans. A final written evaluation will be provided to each student to maintain in their records as required to document supervision. Student must complete the three courses to have the required clinical supervision hours. Each course is 1 graduate credit. This is a three course sequence. Participants will also enroll in EDGC841- Clinical Supervision II and EDGC842- Clinical Supervision III.
Participants must have Maryland LGPC to enroll.
Spring 2025 Session Dates:
January 13th- May 5th
Synchronous Meeting Dates: Mondays 5:30-7:00pm
January 13th & 27th, Feb. 10th & 24th, Mar. 10th, 17th, & 31st, Apr. 14th & 28th,
and May 5th
Cost: $650 (per course)
Registration Deadline: January 6th
Professional Development: Approaching School Counseling from the Inside Out
This professional development series is designed for school counselors who are interested in examining their own counseling practice. All three courses within this professional development series are 1-credit and delivered online (Synchronous and Asynchronous). While each course can be taken independently, the courses are designed to be taken in sequence.
Course instruction attends to the needs of the adult learner; meetings are interactive, reflective, and relevant to the work of the school counselor.
EDGC824: Getting Unstuck with Evidence-Based and Creative Counseling Interventions
In this course participants examine how and why students get “stuck” in their ruminating thoughts and/or behaviors that hinder their academic success or ability to connect with others. Drawing from a personalized theoretical approach to counseling, participants engage in thoughtful examination of the issues that keep a person “stuck” and create an intervention that is evidence based and delivered within a creative approach.
Dates will be determined
Cost: $650
EDGC825: Finding Your Theoretical Feet
In this course participants examine their philosophical perspectives on counseling to ground themselves in a theoretical approach. Attention is given to identifying the similarities and differences between counseling and psychotherapy, identifying and exploring assumptions related to why students get stuck, assumptions we have related to culture, ethnicity, and race, and the exploring the role school counselors have in the helping process. Participants leave class with a well-developed counseling philosophy and a framework for how they can promote their role to others.
Dates will be determined
Cost: $650
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