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Continuing Education Courses and Workshops

Professional Development for Teachers, Counselors, School Administrators, and School Based Professionals

School of Education Leadership Conference photo montageLoyola University Maryland's School of Education offers courses for teachers and education professionals seeking graduate-level courses for professional development or to maintain licensure requirements. Courses are offered in varies formats to fit the schedules of busy educators. 

Please review the course homepage to learn more about each individual course, including the course descriptions, schedule, credit hour information, and cost. 

Summer 2025 Offerings:

Submit your application for CE courses. 

Lauryn's Law
This course meets the educational requirements outlined in Lauryn’s Law. Specifically, this course enhances the school counseling practitioners' knowledge and skills to understand and respond to the social, emotional, and personal development of students, including knowledge and skills relating to: (1) the recognition of indicators of mental illness and behavioral distress, including depression, trauma, violence, youth suicide, and substance abuse; and (2) the identification of professional resources to help students in crisis. This course for school counselors provides a current, interactive overview of these skills and supports participants’ development/acquisition of a resource bank for distribution to parents or guardians, school staff, and students, as appropriate. Summer 2025- TBD


Intro to Coaching for Counselors
This 2-credit course provides 30 hours of learning on the topic of coaching. This course is designed around four specific areas aligned with the Board-Certified Coach credential. The four areas include Ethic and Regulatory Guidelines, coaching knowledge, and Applications, Assessment, and Practice management. The course is delivered asynchronously with opportunities to receive feedback and interact with your instructor through teleconferencing. Summer 2025 Dates: June 2- August 15, 2025


National Board Certification
EDCT602.W01: Deep Dive Into National Board Certification (2 Graduate Credits) This course was developed to help teachers prepare for the rigorous process of National Board Certification. By systematically working their way through the types of writing, the content standards, the specific directions and component guide, students will collaborate, discuss, and plan their pathway to complete the National Board Certification components. Dates: July 14- August 21, 2025 Instructional Method: Synchronous Times: Wednesday 5:30-7:30pm Cost: $1,050


We would highly encourage you to read the Continuing Education policies prior to registration. If you have any additional questions, please contact us at