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Criteria for Funding

To be eligible to receive funding from this committee, programs and events must meet the following criteria:


  1. Programs must reflect the values in the mission of Loyola University Maryland.
  2. Programs must reflect the Division of Student Development's commitment to: (a) cultivating educational partnerships, (b) addressing the development needs of students, (c) promoting a positive climate of learning, (d) promoting the values inherent in diversity, and (e) enhancing the sense of community on campus.
  3. Programs must have central focus on student learning. Special consideration will be given to those events that are sponsored by students and those that enable students to interact directly with faculty and invited guests (e.g., small group discussions, receptions).
  4. Programs must be sponsored by members of the Loyola University campus community (i.e., undergraduate or graduate students, faculty, and/or staff).
  5. Sponsoring groups must have a well-conceived plan for publicizing the event/program.
  6. Programs must not conflict with the scheduling of other major campus events. Sponsoring groups must arrange the appropriate venue for the event by calling Event Services at ext. 5077 for on campus locations.
  7. The committee encourages submissions in a timely fashion. Rushed proposals increase the risk of being denied, no matter their merit.  Proposals should be received no less than three business days before the meeting at which they are to be discussed.
  8. The program must take place within the current fiscal/academic year.  The University's fiscal year begins on June 1st and ends on May 31st of each year.
  9. Proposals must be partially funded: Education for Life does not generally provide funding for over 50% of any program or event.
  10. Funding is not awarded for individual research or projects for which academic credit is earned.
  11. Funding recipients are expected to submit an evaluation following the completion of their event.  [Download the evaluation form]

Committee members will consider written requests that include the following items:

  1. A detailed description of the program or event, which may include the student population served, the purpose of the event  (including how it will fit with the mission of the University and the goals of the Education for Life committee), anticipated attendance, and a brief outline of the qualifications of the proposed speaker, if applicable.
  2. An itinerary for the speaker (if applicable).
  3. A detailed agenda, with dates, times and locations for the proposed program(s)/event(s).
  4. A complete budget for the event or program.
  5. The amount of the request, and a brief description of the ways in which the funds will be used.  Note that funds from Education for Life are restricted for the benefit of students, and are not used to pay for personal costs incurred by faculty, administrators, or staff.
  6. In general, students who are taking part in a program that is partially funded by Education for Life (eg. a dinner, a trip) should be helping to co-fund their own participation.  However, faculty who are making such a program a component of their class should be sensitive to the financial circumstances of their students.  One approach could be to invite anyone for whom making a nominal contribution toward the event would cause difficulty to speak with the faculty member privately. 

All requests should be submitted electronically to:

Mark Lee, Director of Technology and Graduate Student Services,, x 2353

Yolanda Veale, Program Assistant, Student Development,, x 5171

The committee generally meets once every two weeks. Sponsoring groups will be notified of the Committee's decision within two business days following the meeting.