Managing Roommate Conflict
For many students, attending college means living away from home, either on or off campus. This choice necessitates learning to live with others, often strangers. This may provide you with an opportunity to live with and learn to appreciate people who are very different from yourself. Living with roommates provides an exciting opportunity for close friendships, but also brings with it some challenges.
In communicating with your roommates, it is important that you think about what is really bothering you and that you be clear and direct when communicating with your roommate(s). It is important to do it in a way that minimizes your roommate’s need to feel defensive, such as using “I” statements. Find a private time to share your concerns and share with them what behavior is bothering you and how it affects you.
Certain roommate conflicts can be especially challenging. If your roommate is dealing with a difficult personal issue, it is important that you be supportive, but it is also important that you continue to care for yourself. Do not put yourself in the position of feeling responsible for things over which you have no control. In instances where a roommate's concerns feel overwhelming, get help figuring out how to help your roommate and how to take care of yourself in the situation. Talk to your RA if you have one, or call or stop by the Counseling Center to schedule an appointment with a counselor.
Clarifying Expectations
Often clarifying expectations ahead of time can be helpful. Some students find it helpful to do this in a formal manner by creating a roommate agreement. If you live on campus and have not already done this or if you feel the agreement you have is not meeting your needs, your resident assistant can help facilitate a new agreement. Be sure to clarify expectations and decide how to communicate when difficult issues occur in the future. Regardless of whether there is a formal agreement, it is important that you clearly express your own needs, as well as attend to the needs of your roommate(s).
Managing Conflict
Often the temptation is to just let things go rather than to inform a roommate of a difficulty. This usually leads to resentment. You may find it helpful to communicate about difficulties as they occur rather than waiting for your resentment to build. For example, it may be hard to tell a roommate that you are not comfortable with how they use your food. If you wait until the year is almost over to say something, you will likely get more and more frustrated. If you talk about it when it first bothers you, it will provide an opportunity to resolve your misunderstandings.
Despite your best efforts, there will be times when you feel frustrated and overwhelmed by what is happening with your roommates. This may be because the difficulties with communication seem unmanageable or the issue itself may feel overwhelming.
Racial/Cultural Differences
Students come from differing cultures. Our home environments bring with them varying expectations regarding what relationships and our living environment should be. In addition, individual needs can and will change over time. Often these differences and changing expectations lead to conflict. Weathering these conflicts with someone you live with can be a very difficult and trying process. It might be even more challenging if you are experiencing insensitivity or discrimination because of your racial, ethnic, or other form of identity as a possible factor within the conflict.
In this case, it is very important that you seek assistance in addressing the issue. Insensitivity to others and discrimination in any form is inconsistent with Loyola’s mission and values and will not be tolerated. Consult with your RA if you have one, your advisor or other Loyola administrator. You may also report bias incidents through the Dean of Students Office. Consider using the free, confidential services of the Counseling Center, as well. Even if you are not sure if counseling is what you or the situation need, we are a good place to start. With a counselor's help, you can discuss options and decide the best way to proceed. Our counseling services and programs actively promote an awareness of and sensitivity toward differences of race, gender identity and expression, ethnicity, national origin, culture, sexual orientation, age, physical and mental abilities, religious/spiritual beliefs, financial status, and size/body shape among members of the Loyola community. We are here to help.
Additional Resources
- Roommate Communication Tips
- Campus Ministry
- Residence Life and Housing
- Togetherall - a 24/7 confidential peer to peer mental wellness resource, free to all enrolled Loyola students. Register here today.
The Counseling Center located in Humanities 150 is open M-F from 8:30am until 5pm (EST) and closed when the university is closed. If you would like to make an appointment with a counselor, schedule an appointment online, stop by our office, or call 410-617-2273.
Contact Us
Humanities, Room 150One flight up the turret entrance
Phone: 410-617-CARE (2273)
Call to schedule an appointment
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.