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Insights from Students & Alumni

Insights from Students

Internship Presentations

This YouTube playlist is comprised of videos showing student presentations about their internship experiences as part of the sociology capstone. Below, sorted by semester, are lists of some of the individual students who took the internship capstone course and links to their presentations. Their placement sites are noted so that you can identify particular placements that may be of the most interest to you.

Spring 2023 Internship Cohort

Spring 2022 Internship Cohort

Internship Highlights

Multiple Sociology students have filled internship placements at Baltimore Witness, a news site that provides transparency on violent crime cases in the city by collecting data on cases, reporting on court proceedings, and conducting interviews. These students each published several stories.

Insights from Alumni

This YouTube playlist is comprised of videos showing individual presentations and question/answer sessions by Loyola Sociology alumni at our annual Career Nights.

Below is a list of the individual presenters at Loyola Sociology's Career Nights. Their job titles at the time of presentation are noted so that you can identify which videos may be of most interest to you based on your career and/or graduate school aspirations.