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Conference and Workshop Grants


  • Faculty members who teach at least one course in the Peace and Justice minor are eligible to apply
  • Faculty members must have exhausted departmental funds and dean’s funds
  • Faculty must be presenting at a conference on a topic clearly related to the field of Peace and Justice studies OR be attending a workshop related to Peace and Justice studies.
  • The faculty member’s conference presentation (or the workshop) must advance one or more of the P&J minor’s learning aims:
    • Understanding of the causes and consequences of violence, the systematic sources of injustice, and/or the inter-relationship of peace and justice
    • Disciplinary/interdisciplinary analysis of concrete cases of conflict
    • Analysis of mechanisms for resolving violent conflict as well as norms, practices, and institutions for building and sustaining peace
    • Application of conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and/or justice advocacy skills in interpersonal, institutional, societal, or global contexts
    • Development of theoretical or practical models for promoting peace and justice

Award amount

  • Grant maximum: $2,000

Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • The quality of the proposal
  • How strongly the faculty member’s research and/or the conference relate to the Peace and Justice minor’s learning aims, as well as how well these connections are articulated
  • The impact of attending this conference on the faculty member’s teaching and/or research, as well as the impact on the P&J program
  • If funding is limited, the steering committee will give preference to applicants who have not previously been awarded a P&J conference grant. 


The proposal should include: 

  1. Faculty name and department
  2. Courses the faculty member has taught in the P&J minor (including dates)
  3. Title and abstract of research presentation
  4. Title and brief description of the conference attending
  5. Description of how the faculty member’s research and/or the conference align with P&J learning aims
  6. Brief description of how the conference will impact faculty member’s teaching and/or research, as well as the P&J program (ex. courses taught, giving a P&J faculty lunch talk, etc.)
  7. Itemized budget
  8. Funding exhausted; other funding received to attend this conference (if applicable)
  9. Chair’s indication of support
  10. Current CV


Applicants requesting funding should submit a request to Tara Sams, P&J program assistant, at

Service component

Faculty who receive a P&J conference grant are expected to present their work on campus. This may take the form of a Peace and Justice faculty lunch talk, etc. 


Faculty may submit requests at any time during the year. Requests will be considered on a rolling basis (the steering committee meets monthly).