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Publications by Participating Faculty

Participating Faculty are encouraged to send citations of relevant work to Amanda Konradi,


Faculty Publications

Mavis Biss

2016. "Radical Moral Imagination and Moral Luck." Metaphilosophy 47 (4-5): 558-570 (October 2016).

 David Carey Jr.

2018. “Heroines of Healthcare: Germana Catu and Maya Midwives”. In Maya Heroes ed. Ashley Kistler (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press).

2017. Oral History in Latin America: Unlocking the Spoken Archive. New York: Routledge.

2016. “Violencia contra la mujer en Guatemala: más impunidad que castigo.” In Guatemala: gobierno, gobernabilidad, poder local y recursos naturales. Edited by Gema Sánchez Medero and Rubén Sánchez Medero. Valencia, Spain: Tirant Editorial, 2016: 225-253.

2013. I Ask for Justice: Maya Women, Dictators, and Crime in Guatemala, 1898-1944 (University of Texas Press, ), winner Latin American Studies Association’s 2015 LASA Bryce Wood Book Award.

2006. Engendering Mayan History: Kaqchikel Women as Agents and Conduits of the Past, 1875–1970 (Routledge, ).

Forthcoming. “Lost Love and Labor: Adultery in Early Twentieth-Century Guatemala.” Hispanic American Historical Review.

2014. “Drunks and Dictators: Inebriation’s Gendered, Ethnic, and Class Components in Guatemala, 1898-1944.” In Alcohol in Latin America: A Social and Cultural History. Edited by Gretchen Pierce and Áurea Toxqui. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2014: 131-57.

2013. “Runaway Mothers and Daughters: Crimes of Abandonment in Twentieth Century Guatemala.” Journal of Family History 38, no. 2 (April): 188-222.

2013. “Forced and Forbidden Sex: Rape and Sexual Freedom in Dictatorial Guatemala.” The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Inter-American Cultural History 69, no. 3 (January): 357-89.

2010. “Precursors to Femicide: Guatemalan Women in a Vortex of Violence” (co-authored with Gabriela E. Torres). Latin American Research Review vol. 45, no. 3: 142-64.

2008. “‘Hard Working, Orderly Little Women’: Mayan Vendors and Marketplace Struggles in Early- Twentieth Century Guatemala.” Ethnohistory vol. 55, no. 4 (fall): 579-607.

2008. “‘Oficios de su raza y sexo’ (Occupations Consistent with Her Race and Sex): Mayan Women and Expanding Gender Identities in Early Twentieth-Century Guatemala.” Journal of Women’s History vol. 20, no. 1 (Spring): 114-48.

2006. “Empowered through Labor and Buttressing Their Communities: Mayan Women and Coastal Migration, 1875-1965.” Hispanic American Historical Review vol. 86, no. 3 (August): 501-34.

Marianna Carlucci 2016. Carlucci, M. E.,& Golom,  F. G. Juror perceptions of female-female sexual harassment: Do sexual orientation and type of harassment matter? Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 8(4), 1-9.
 Pamela Cochran

2010.  “Women: Evangelical.”  Encyclopedia of Religion in America (CQ Press).

2007. “Feminist Christian Thought.” Encyclopedia of Love in World Religions (ABC-CLIO)

2006. “Feminist Theology.” In Christian Theologies of Scripture and the Politics of Interpretation ed. Justin Holcomb (New York University Press). 

2005. Evangelical Feminism: A History (New York University Press)

2004. "The Family, Evangelicalism, and Civil Society.” The Other Journal: An Intersection of Theology and Culture

Jean Lee Cole 2008. Zora Neale Hurston: Collected Plays, edited with Charles Mitchell (Rutgers UP).

2006. “‘Information Wanted’: Julia C. Collins, F.E.W. Harper, and The Christian Recorder,”African American Review, Winter.

2004. Legacy reprints:“The Marriage of Okiku-San” by Onoto Watanna (Winnifred Eaton), Legacy, Summer.

2002. Honey, Maureen and Cole, Jean Lee. (Eds.) Madame Butterfly and a Japanese Nightingale: Two Orientalist Texts.  New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers, University Press.

2002. The Literary Voices of Winnifred Eaton: Redefining Ethnicity and Authenticity (Rutgers UP).
Janine Holc

2020. Holc, Janine and Konradi, Amanda. "“Polish Manhood in Transition: Anxieties of Neoliberal Masculinity in Robert Gliński’s Cześć Tereska.” Eastern European Politics & Societies and Cultures, 34 (3): 752-772.

2004. The Purest Democrat: Fetal Citizenship and Subjectivity in the Construction of Democracy in PolandSigns, 29 (3): 755-782.

Amanda Konradi

2020. Holc, Janine and Konradi, Amanda. "“Polish Manhood in Transition: Anxieties of Neoliberal Masculinity in Robert Gliński’s Cześć Tereska.” Eastern European Politics & Societies and Cultures, 34 (3): 752-772.

2017. Graham, Rebecca Dolinsky and Konradi, Amanda. “Contextualizing the 1990 Campus Security Act and Campus Sexual Assault in Intersectional and Historical Terms” Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research: Special Issue Campus Sexual Assault

2016. “Can Justice Be Served on Campus” An Examination of Due Process and Victim Protection Policies in the Campus Adjudication of Sexual Assault in Maryland,” Humanity & Society, June 13: 1-32.

2016. “Going Beyond Clery: Evaluating Campus Definitions of Sexual Assault and Consent,” Journal of Campus Title IX Compliance and Best Practice, 2016 (2): 7-19.

2016. Puzio, Angelica and Konradi, Amanda. “How Confident are Confidants: Assessing the Sexual Assault Related Resource Knowledge of College Students” Journal of Campus Title IX Compliance and Best Practice, 2016 (2): 20-31.

2012. al-Huraibi , Nahla and Konradi, Amanda. Second-Generation Yemeni American Women at the Turn of the Century: Between Individual Aspirations and Communal Commitments. Humanity & Society, 36: 117-144

2010. Creating Victim-centered Criminal Justice Practices for Rape Prosecution. In M. Peyrot & S. L. Burns (Eds.). New Approaches to Social Problems Treatment (pp. 43-76). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.

2007. Taking the Stand: Rape Survivors and the Prosecution of Rapists, Greenwood Press.

2003. A Strategy for Increasing Post-rape Medical Care and Forensic Examination - Marketing Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners to the College Population. Violence Against Women, 9 (8): 955-988.

2000. Konradi, Amanda and Burger, Tina. Having the Last Word: An Examination of Rape Survivors’ Participation in Sentencing. Violence Against Women 6 (4): 353-397


2023. Kushner, Nina and Andrew Israel Ross, eds. Histories of French Sexuality: Enlightenment to the Present (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press).

2019. Public City/Public Sex: Homosexuality, Prostitution, and Urban Culture in Nineteenth-Century Paris (Philadelphia: Temple University Press)

2017. “Sex in the Archives: Homosexuality, Prostitution, and the Archives de la Préfecture de Police de Paris,” French Historical Studies 40.2 (2017): 267-290.

2015. “Serving Sex: Playing with Prostitution in the Brasseries à femmes of Late Nineteenth-Century Paris,” Journal of the History of Sexuality 24.2 (2015): 288-313.

2015 with Douglas Bristol, Hunting Homosexuals at Southern Miss: From the Journal of William D. McCain, 1955-1965,” (December 2015)

Jane Satterfield

2013. Her Familiars (poems). Denver, CO: Elixir Press.

2013. “The Body Impolitic.” Women Write Resistance: Poets Resist Gender Violence. Pittsburgh, PA: Hyacinth Girl Press, pp. 164-5.

2011.“Sylvia Plath: A Critical Biography.” Critical Insights: The Bell Jar. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press (2011).

2009. Daughters of Empire: A Memoir of a Year in Britain and Beyond. Toronto: Demeter Press, 2009.

2003. Assignation at Vanishing Point (poems). Minneapolis: Elixir Press, 2003.

Sara Scalenghe

2012. “Teaching the History of Women and Gender in the Middle East and North Africa.” Perspectives on History 50:8 (November): 40-42.

2008. “Female Life Cycle: Menstruation and Menopause.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History, ed. Bonnie G. Smith, vol. 2, 264-266. New York: Oxford, University Press.

Thomas Ward

2018. « Manuel González Prada’s “The Slaves of the Church”: From exclusion to inclusion in the postcolonial debate », Amerika 17 | 2017 (mis en ligne le 30 janvier 2018): w/p. DOI : 10.4000/amerika.8400

2012. “La lectura de Clorinda Matto de Turner al Inca Garcilaso y Blas Valera: Cuando lengua, espacio doméstico, y Estado-nación coinciden.”Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana. Año XXXVIII, (75): 363-380.

2012. Feminismo liberal vs. anarquismo radical: Obreras y obreros en Matto de Turner y González Prada.” Pensar el siglo XIX desde el siglo XXI: Nuevas miradas y lecturas. Ed. Ana Peluffo. Raleigh, NC: Editorial A Contracorriente, 2012. 213-236

2007. Cáceres, Aurora. La rosa muerta. Ed. Thomas Ward. Buenos Aires: Stockcero.

 Boni Wozolek  

 2019.   Wozolek, B.  M/othering Redoux: A Reading of Curriculum Theory to Get through Sleepless Nights.The Journal of Gender Studies.DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2018.1564649.


2018. Wozolek, B. & Mitchell, R.P.  Plastic or Phalloplasty: Negotiating Masculinity and (Cis)gender norms in schools and the academy,The Journal of Curriculum Pedagogy.DOI: 10.1080/15505170.2018.1525451


2018. Wozolek, B.  Gaslighting Queerness: GSAs, Schooling, and Teachers’ Education. Journal of LGBT Youth,15(4), 319-398. DOI 10.1080/19361653.2018.1484839.


2018.  Wozolek, B.  In 1800 again: The sounds of students breaking.Educational Studies: A Journal of the American Educational Studies Association, 54(4),367-381.


2016.  Wozolek, B., Wootton, L., & Demlow, A.  The school-to-coffin pipeline: Queer youth, suicide and resilience of spirit, Cultural Studies<-->Critical Methodologies, 17(5), 392-398.

 Yu Zhang 2018. Interfamily Tanci Writing in Nineteenth-Century China: Bonds and Boundaries. Lanham: Lexington Books.
Lisa Zimmerelli

2014. “The Itinerant Book: Julia A. J. Foote’s A Brand Plucked from the Fire as a Religious Activist Text.” Rhetoric Review 33.2 (April 2014): 132 – 147.

2014. “‘Heaven-touched Lips and Pent-up Voices’: The Rhetoric of American Female Preaching Apologia, 1820—1930. Mapping Christian Rhetorics: A Critical Reader for Writing Scholars. Eds. Michael-John DePalma and Jeffrey M. Ringer. New York, NY: Routledge Press. 2014. 180—202.---Book won the 2015 “Book of the Year” by the Religious Communication Association.

2012. “‘The Stereoscopic View of Truth’: Frances Willard’s Woman in the Pulpit as a Feminist Rhetoric of Theology.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 42.4 (September 2012): 353 – 74.--Winner of the 2013 RSQ Charles Kneupper Award, given annually to recognize the essay published in that year’s volume of RSQ that the editorial board and the editor consider the most significant contribution to scholarship in rhetoric.


Emeritus Faculty 
 Elizabeth Schmidt  

2005. Mobilizing the Masses: Gender, Ethnicity, and Class in the Nationalist Movement in Guinea, 1939-1958 . Social History of Africa Series. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

2002. “‘Emancipate Your Husbands!’ Women and Nationalism in Guinea, 1953-1958.” In Women in African Colonial Histories, pp. 282-304. Edited by Jean Allman, Susan Geiger and Nakanyike Musisi. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

1992. “Race, Sex, and Domestic Labor: The Question of African Female Servants in Southern Rhodesia, 1900-1939.” In African Encounters with Domesticity, pp. 221-241. Edited by Karen Tranberg Hansen. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1992. (Republished in January 2007 as part of the American Council of Learned Societies’ History E-Book Project.)

1992. Peasants, Traders, and Wives: Shona Women in the History of Zimbabwe, 1870-1939. Social History of Africa Series. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

1991. Patriarchy, Capitalism, and the Colonial State in ZimbabweSigns: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 16 (4) : 732-756.

1990. Negotiated Spaces and Contested Terrain: Men, Women and the Law in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1890-1939. Journal of Southern African Studies, 16 (4): 622-648.

1988. Farmers, Hunters, and Gold-Washers: A Reevaluation of Women’s Roles in Precolonial and Colonial Zimbabwe. African Economic History, 17: 45-80

 Barbara Vann  

1993. Vann, Barbara H. and Rofuth, Todd. Child Care Needs of Welfare Recipients in Maryland's Welfare Reform ProgramJournal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 20 (2): 69-88.

1992. Vann, Barbara H. and Gallman, J. Matthew. Politics and Pedagogy: The Creation of A Gender Studies Minor at a Jesuit College Transformations, 3 (2): 47-55.