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Lisa Zimmerelli

Writing Department Chair, Associate Professor
Lisa Zimmerelli

Associate Professor and Writing Dept. Chair


Maryland Hall 043L

Writing Department
Loyola University Maryland
4501 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, Md. 21210

Phone: (410) 617-2369
Fax: (410) 617-2934


University of Maryland, Ph.D.

Courses Taught

WR 100 Effective Writing
HN 210 Eloquentia Perfecta
WR 220 Art of Rhetoric
WR 323 Writing Center Practice & Theory
WR 320 Art of Argument
Seminars on various topics


The Bedford Guide for Writing Tutors, 6th edition. (with Leigh Ryan) Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press, 2015.

“Traversing Divides: Service-Learning in the Writing Center.” Diversity and Democracy. Forthcoming 2016.

“A Place to Begin: Service-Learning Tutor Education and Writing Center Social Justice.” Writing Center Journal 35.1 (Winter 2015)

“‘Heaven-touched Lips and Pent-up Voices’: The Rhetoric of America Female Preaching Apologia, 1820—1930. Mapping Christian Rhetorics: A Critical Reader for Writing Scholars. Eds. Michael-John DePalma and Jeffrey M. Ringer. New York, NY: Routledge Press. 2014. 180—202.  Book awarded the 2014 Religious Communication Book Award

“The Itinerant Book: Julia A. J. Foote’s A Brand Plucked from the Fire as a Religious Activist Text.” Rhetoric Review 33.2 (April 2014): 132—147.

“Spread Out But Close: Conversations and Collaborations: Eloquentia Perfecta on 21st Century Jesuit Campuses.” (with Laurie Britt-Smith, Cinthia Gannett, and John Kerrigan). Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education 43 (Spring 2013): 20-21.

“‘The Stereoscopic View of Truth’: Frances Willard’s Woman in the Pulpit as a Feminist Rhetoric of Theology.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 42.4 (September 2012): 353—374. Awarded the 2013 Rhetoric Society Quarterly Charles Kneupper Award for best essay


Zimmerelli, Lisa. 'When They Were Boys and When They Were Girls: Constructions of Gender in Progressive-Era American Conduct Biography.' Feminist Circulations: Rhetorical Explorations across History and Geography. Eds. Jessica Enoch, Danielle Griffin, and Karen Nelson. Parlor Press. 2021116-134.

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