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Jane Satterfield

Jane Satterfield

Professor of Writing

Jane Satterfield is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts poetry fellowship, as well as awards from Bellingham Review, Ledbury Poetry Festival, the U.K. literary magazine Mslexia, and more. Her five books include Her Familiars, Shepherdess with an Automatic, Elixir Press Book Award winner Assignation at Vanishing Point,and Apocalypse Mix, winner of the 2016 Autumn House Poetry Prize. Her nonfiction book, Daughters of Empire: A Memoir of a Year in Britain and Beyond, features work that received the Florida Review Editors’ Prize, the Faulkner Society/Pirate’s Alley Essay Award, and the John Guyon Literary Nonfiction Prize.

Satterfield’s poetry and prose have appeared in American Poetry Review, Antioch Review, Crazyhorse, DIAGRAM, Ecotone, Hotel Amerika, North American Review, Orion, Pleiades, and many more, as well as on Verse Daily and Poetry Daily. For ten years she was the literary editor for the Ontario-based multidisciplinary biannual Journal of the Motherhood Initiative (JMI) and, with Laurie Kruk, co-edited the multi-genre anthology Borderlands and Crossroads: Writing the Motherland (Demeter, 2016). She has served on the faculty of the West Chester University Poetry Conference, as Salisbury, Maryland's Poet-in-Residence, and as director of Loyola's Humanities Symposium.


Maryland Hall 043G
Loyola University Maryland
4501 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, Md. 21210

Phone: (410) 617-2139
Fax: (410) 617-2934




The University of Iowa, M.F.A.


Courses Taught

WR100 Effective Writing

WR200 Introduction to Creative Nonfiction*

WR340 Writing Poetry

WR352 Biography and Autobiography

WR358 Literary Reviewing

WR385 Special Topics in Creative Writing: Apocalypse Now—Writing for the End Times

WR385 Special Topics in Creative Writing: The Poetics of Social Justice *

WR385 Special Topics in Creative Writing: Memoirs of Crisis *

WR400 Senior Seminar


*Peace and Justice Studies minor electives




Selected poetry

“Costumery”; “Self-Portrait as Thunder and Lightning”; “Rewriting Emily”; “Heathcliff’s Curse.”

Missouri Review 44.1 (2021). 91-99. 

“The Sharp-Shinned Hawk.” Orion 39.1 (2020). 47. 
“Deer in Winter.” Ecotone 28 (2020). 154. 
“On a Volume of Ted Hughes’ New and Selected Poems Signed by a Mr. Blake.”

Literary Matters. 11.4. Autumn 2019.

“Which Brontë Sister Are You?”; “Night.” Literary Matters 11.3. Spring/Summer 2019.

Selected essays

“Scirocco.” The Pinch 41.1 (2021).
“Sapphire Ring.” The Pinch (2021). 
“Refuge.” Ascent (2019). 
“Test Strip.” Tupelo Quarterly 19 (2019). 








Curriculum Vitae (pdf format)