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Community Incident Reporting

Loyola University Maryland sets high expectations of its students, faculty, staff, and administrators for conduct that supports an inclusive and caring community. Students and employees are expected to conduct themselves in such a manner as to ensure the health and welfare of all members of the Loyola community.

Community members may file incident reports through the following reporting methods.

Bias Related Behaviors

Every member of the University is responsible for fostering a sense of community and sending the message that mistreatment of others and insensitivity within our campus will not be tolerated.

Student Incidents

The Bias Reporting process is intended for incidents where a student has been harmed or caused the harm. Please report any instances of bias or mistreatment toward an individual or group because of their identity.

Employee Incidents

Faculty, staff, and administrators may pursue informal means for resolving work-related differences, when possible. When informal efforts are unsuccessful or are inappropriate, the University provides options to file complaints and to seek resolution. Report incidents of bias, harassment or discrimination, relation, and/or other grievances to human resources. Those who prefer to remain anonymous should report incidents via EthicsPoint, Loyola's confidential reporting service retained by the University for this purpose.

Disability Discrimination

It is the policy and practice of Loyola University Maryland to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended, and state and local requirements regarding students with disabilities. The office of Disability Support Services strives to respond to student requests and concerns promptly and reasonably.

The University is committed to providing an inclusive workplace and meeting the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as Amended (ADAAA), and all applicable federal, state and local laws that prohibit discrimination against persons with a disability or that promote equal access and equal opportunity. 

Student Concerns

The office of Disability Support Services strives to respond to student requests and concerns promptly and reasonably. Learn more about the University's Disability Grievance Policy.

Employee Concerns

The office of human resources promptly responds to employee requests and concerns regarding disability. For questions or concerns, contact human resources at ext. 1345, or report requests or concerns on the Employee Incident Report.

Distance Learning Complaint Process for Out-of-State Students

Out-of-state students enrolled in a Loyola distance education program may, after the student has exhausted the institution’s procedures for the resolution of grievances, file a written complaint to the Maryland Higher Education Commission. Learn more about the Distance Learning Complaint Process for Out-of-State Students.

Ethics Point

Use the Ethics Point reporting system for any complaints related to violation of law or University policy. You may choose to report anonymously or openly.

Honor Code Violations

Loyola students are expected to practice academic and intellectual honesty. Report violations of the Honor Code.

Public Safety Anonymous Information Form

Use Public Safety's Anonymous Information Form to report matters related to public safety.

Title IX - Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct

Loyola University Maryland is committed to providing an environment free from sexual and gender-based misconduct. Loyola’s policy prohibits sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and sexual assault of students, employees, or program participants of Loyola University Maryland by anyone on University property or at University-sponsored activities, and as otherwise included within the scope of the policy. Visit the Title IX website to learn about the policy and reporting options.