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Robert Gilbert

(he, him)Assistant Professor of School Counseling
Robert Gilbert Headshot


Dr. Rob Gilbert is a licensed school counselor and licensed professional counselor with 15 years of experience working as a school counselor at the middle and high school levels. He holds both a master's degree in school counseling and a PhD in counselor education from Kent State University. Dr. Gilbert has taught in counselor education programs for several years, serving in both adjunct and appointed roles. He has also held various leadership positions within state school counselor associations.

During his K-12 practice, Dr. Gilbert contributed to the development of standardized suicide protocols, the implementation of evidence-based social-emotional learning (SEL) programs at the Tier 1 level, and data-driven college and career advising initiatives. He has presented on topics such as licensure, standardized suicide protocols, and college advising at state and national conferences.

Dr. Gilbert's current research interests stem from his professional experience and the evolving needs of the counseling field. He has recently collaborated on articles related to school counselor supervision and mental health literature. His research focuses on equitable access to mental health literacy, as well as school counselors' work with students with disabilities, particularly regarding equitable access to eligibility services.