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Clinical Practice in School Counseling

Gayle Cicero

The clinical portion of the school counseling program includes practicum and internship, where students work in schools with students in a counseling capacity. The faculty who teach and mentor in this portion of the program are full-time faculty members who invest an incredible amount of time in each student. There are one-on-one meetings with students, small class sizes, and opportunities to review counseling tapes. Students have a three-hour class every other week to connect with other students and participate in group supervision. Students get an amazing amount of feedback and have a mentor who is truly committed to their development and success. The clinical experience is all about growth and feedback. Students often stay in touch with their professors after graduation because of the close relationships that are cemented. Most students in the program have job offers from surrounding school districts immediately following their completion of the clinical portion of the program/graduation. The strong relationships students have with their professors is what makes the Loyola program a “stand out.”
