Loyola University Maryland hosts leadership summit

On April 3, 2019, Loyola held a Strategic Planning: Achieve Equity—Elevate Learning Leadership Summit, featuring keynote speaker Dr. Jerry Weast, founder and president of the Partnership for Deliberate Excellence, at its Evergreen campus. Myra J. Smith, Ed.D., lecturer of the educational leadership program, was chairman. In attendance were colleagues and leaders from public, private, and charter schools in the State of Maryland, the District of Columbia, and Virginia. The conference showcased strategies and protocols for strategic planning using performance targets, analysis of data, and discussions on how to create the conditions for systemic and sustainable continuous improvement. The day gave attendees the opportunity to learn from district leaders, university experts, and principals all of whom have an extensive body of work with proven results.
The summit featured breakout sessions that included a wide range of leadership topics and presenters:
Session: Leadership Maturity Presenter: Eric Davis, Chief of Administration, Harford County Public Schools |
One of the most underrated and overlooked qualities of an effective school leader is leadership maturity. Leadership maturity has little to do with experience and more to do with a leader’s comfort level in building the capacity of others. Participants will learn about leadership attributes and actions that build positive school culture and how to model leadership maturity to staff, students, and parents. |
Session: Being A Digital Leader on Social Media Presenters: Kelly Keane, Ed.D. & Marie Heath, Ed.D., Loyola University Maryland |
Today’s leaders need to be able to build community and serve as catalysts for change. In this session, we will provide a framework for using social media to engage with stakeholders, extend relationships, share experiences, and expand professional connections while representing one’s organization. Participants will analyze different national and local school leaders’ social media contributions in order to identify best practices connected to the framework. |
Session: Creating equitable conditions for English learners: An ESOL centered approach to sustainable school improvement Presenter:Dr. Karen C. Woodson, Prince Georges's County Public Schools |
Today's leaders and teachers will obtain practical current efforts focusing on creating equitable conditions for English learners in schools, ESOL-centered school improvement strategies, and Baldrige guided strategic planning. |
Session: Leading the Instructional Program Presenters: Dr. Darryl Williams and Dr. Michael J. Zarchin, Montgomery County Public Schools |
How district leaders facilitate, monitor, and support a strong vision for strong leadership, teaching, and learning for all students.
Session: Applying Practical Strategies to Avoid Leadership Pitfalls Presenter: Dr. Tamitha Campbell, Consulting Principal, Montgomery County Public Schools |
This session will examine techniques for managing the change process, define adaptive and technical leadership and explore strategies that will help leaders bring about transformational change in schools.
Session: Positive Climate & Culture While Implementing Change Presenter: Dr. Myriam A. Yarbrough |
With evolving indicators of school quality and student success, leading for change is a requirement. This session will explore intentional planning and communication strategies that focus on meaningful ways to foster positive school culture and climate while implementing change. |
Session: Powering Up Youth in Century 21: Overview of Youth Mental & Holistic Health Needs & How We Can Support Presenter: Dr. Donna Saunders, Clinical Psychologist, Guide Community Health Services, Inc. |
In this informative session, participants will be learning about the primary mental health challenges facing 21st Century youth and how to be of greater support to them in the areas of prevention and early intervention. Specific attention will be given to understanding and recognizing symptoms of trauma (and its derivatives) given its prevalence in our fast-paced, present day world. Finally, participants will learn basic strategies for how to assist youth in powering themselves up daily in the Six Power Zones linked to mental (and holistic) health balance, greater well-being, and 'in tact' resilience to mental health threats. Participants in this session are sure to be powered up to power up our precious youth. |
The conference was enjoyed by all who attended. Everyone was able to return to their
districts and schools with strategies and tools to facilitate leading the design of
strategic improvement to equity in leading, teaching, and achievement.
"I would like to commend and congratulate the organizers of the successful leadership summit 2019 that I attended at Loyola University Maryland. It was well-organized and well-thought activity that elevates learning. All the speakers were experts and they shared excellent research-based data and good practices. It was indeed an informative, relevant, and exciting professional gathering. I’m so thankful to my professor in graduate school, Dr. Myra Smith, for extending the invitation to me and it was a great learning opportunity for me as an aspiring school leader. KODUS!!!"
Trifon M. Perges
Educational Leadership program
Loyola University Maryland
"Yesterday’s summit was phenomenal. I thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Myriam Yarbrough’s presentation on positive school climate while implementing change. Excellent mindset!! Would love to help with future summits. Please let me know if you need any assistance."
Laura Erskine, ‘20
M.Ed. Educational Leadership program
Loyola University Maryland
“I want to thank you for organizing the conference. The presenters provided real world applications and solutions to leadership and equity in education. I have attended more expensive conferences that were not as relevant as the one you organized. Dr. Weast’s message was inspiring and honest as he spoke about the real issues in closing racial gaps. Again, I thank you. Per our conversation, I am the principal of Brooklyn Park Elementary and I would love to support your students in understanding education and leadership in Title I or high poverty schools. Please let me know how I can be of service.”
E. Rodney Walker
Brooklyn Park Elementary
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
“I felt the conference was very informative and inspirational. It was an experience that validated the work we do everyday on behalf of children. To have opportunities to learn and gain the tools to be a strategic and successful leader was what I needed as I aspire to be a school administrator. In addition, the multiple opportunities to engage with and network with others in the field provided additional insights on the leadership opportunities that await. It was evident that the planning and breakout sessions were designed to ensure leaders and future leaders would receive valuable information to take back to their individual schools. I look forward to future conferences.”
Courtney Wimbush
Educational Leadership program
Teacher Leader Prince George’s County Public Schools
“I wanted to let you know how wonderful yesterday’s conference was! Thank you so much for sharing that experience with me and so many others! I value and respect your leadership so much. Even though I don’t get to see you as often, I am still learning from you.”
Dine Brewer
Sherwood Elementary School
Montgomery County Public Schools