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Program Mission, Learning Outcomes, and Dispositions

Program Mission

The mission of the school counseling program is to prepare professional school counselors to be systemic change agents and leaders in educational reform. Steeped in the Jesuit tradition, the Loyola school counseling program, its faculty, and its curricular experiences inspire and transform candidates to learn, lead, serve, and advocate for children and youth in a diverse, global society. Within this context, the education of the whole person is paramount; the standards-based curriculum is rigorous; faculty expectations are high; commitment to the community and social justice is valued. Candidates are challenged to understand the ethical dimensions of personal and professional life and to examine their own values, attitudes, and beliefs as they prepare to create, implement, and evaluate data driven, comprehensive developmental school counseling programs aligned with national standards, state guidelines, and district curricula.

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates of Loyola’s Counseling Program are culturally competent counselors who are ethical in their approach to working with children, adolescents, and their families. Specific learning outcomes are:

  1. Assume the professional dispositions and identity of a counselor as described by ACA and/or ASCA. 
  2. Possess the knowledge to apply a multi-cultural and social justice framework to address social inequities and adopt a culturally responsive approach to working with children, adolescents and their families.
  3. Work ethically and legally with children, adolescents, and their families.
  4. Utilize a human development framework when implementing counseling services within a multi-tiered approach to prevention and intervention. 
  5. Construct Tier 1 initiatives that support the career development of children and adolescents.
  6. Develop an approach to counseling practice informed by, and grounded in, theories, research, and personal experiences.
  7. Demonstrate counseling skills that include interviewing, case conceptualization, and treatment planning.
  8. Demonstrate the knowledge and skills to facilitate counseling and psychoeducational group work that is grounded in evidence-based practice. (Key Assessment: GC706 & Internship)
  9. Demonstrate how to select and administer assessment instruments and interpret assessment results for treatment planning, diagnosis, and evaluation.
  10. Possess the knowledge to use data to construct, implement, and evaluate counseling interventions. (Key Assessment: GC600 & Internship)

Program Dispositions

The School Counseling program dispositions are aligned with Loyola's School of Education Conceptual Framework and speak to the professional dispositions expected of professional school counselors.

School of Education (SoE)
Conceptual Framework

School Counseling Program

 1. Possesses broad knowledge  1. Possess broad knowledge of CACREP 8 core content areas.
 2. Creates productive learning environments  2. Utilizes counseling skills to create effective relationships
with students, faculty, administrators, and parents/guardians.
 3. Reflects on practice  3a. Reflects on practice and demonstrates awareness and understanding
of self-beliefs, values, needs, and limitations.
3b. Demonstrates engagement in the learning and development of
counseling skills and practice.
 4. Displays leadership 4a. Displays leadership.
4b. Displays openness to feedback.
4c. Displays emotional stability and self-control.
4d. Displays flexibility, adaptability, and tolerance for ambiguity.
4e. Displays congruence and genuineness .
5. Forms community relationships 5. Forms working relationships with multiple stakeholders in the 
school community that align with professional boundaries of
competence and practice.
 1. Behaves ethically 1. Aligns practice to counseling code of ethics.
 2. Is committed to social justice

2a. Articulates commitment to social justice.
2b. Demonstrates advocacy actions aligned to social justice.

 1. Exemplifies cura personalis  1. Utilizes empathy and perspective taking to guide counseling
interventions that promote student/client well-being.


Program Options

Loyola's School Counseling programs are designed to meet all stages of your professional life—whether you are entering the profession and learning the basics, or if you are an established counselor who wants to continue your education and advance your knowledge and skillset. Our students are prepared to effectively serve, lead, and be advocates for social justice and mental health in pre K-12 settings.

To meet the youth mental health crisis, we offer counselors the opportunity to not only become eligible for licensure as a school counselor, but also to meet the preparation requirements to become licensed as a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) in the state of Maryland. We invite you to explore our M.A. or M.Ed. program, or one of three post-master's options.



Ready to learn more?

Explore the following links or contact us at or 410-617-2990. For admission-related questions, contact Mechelle Palmer at