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David Binkley Receives Best Paper Award

Congratulations to David Binkley, Ph.D., who recently won the Best Paper Award for his work presented at the 17th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation in Shanghai, China. His paper, “Tree-Oriented vs. Line-Oriented Observation-Based Splicing,” won the award in collaboration with Nicolas Gold, Mark Harman, Syed Islam, Jens Krinke, and Shin Yoo.

Binkley’s paper focuses on the idea that most computer science attempts to construct an abstract model from which predictions can be made, but what makes ORBS fascinating is that it sidesteps the need for a prediction model.

David Binkley is a professor of computer science and software engineering. He teaches a diverse set of courses in the undergraduate program, and he is an active researcher in the software engineering and information retrieval fields.