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Why I Give: Ray Truitt

In preparation for law school, Ray focused on finding demanding professors and challenging courses at Loyola. At UVA Law, he found Loyola prepared him for the intellectual and moral challenges he faced. He and his wife Mary established an endowed scholarship to support future generations of students recognizing not only his experience but that of their daughter and multiple other family members.

Raymond G. Truitt, 1979, B.A. Political Science
Managing Partner, Ballard Spahr LLP, Baltimore, MD

Q. What is your favorite memory from your time at Loyola?

Ray Truitt with family A. My favorite memory associated with the campus is getting married in the Alumni Memorial Chapel in November 1982; our wedding took place on the same day I was expecting the results of the Maryland bar exam and my then-fiancée asked me to promise not to open the envelope, so that I wouldn’t be in a foul mood for the wedding and our honeymoon if I didn’t pass.  I opened the envelope anyway and, fortunately, I passed.

Q. What is your favorite location on campus?

A. Because I was a commuter, it’s probably a tie among a quiet alcove in the Loyola-Notre Dame Library where I could get work done, The Greyhound offices, and the rathskeller that was on the ground floor of the student center.

Q. What was your favorite class?

A. A multi-disciplinary elective course in my senior year that was team-taught by Tom Scheye, Randy Donaldson and Frank Cunningham. They designed the course to cover topics that they wanted to teach and their love of the subject matter, and their joy in discussing it, was exciting and inspiring.

The generous support of Ray and all of our donors continues to make a Loyola education possible and prepares our students for lives of meaningful professional service and leadership. Make a gift to Loyola University today!