2022 Social Sciences Annual Report
The 2021-22 Social Sciences division PDF report can be downloaded by using the link below. In addition to the PDF report, expanded and supplemental content has been added below which includes additional highlights and activities that occurred in the social sciences division.
Expanded and Supplemental Report News
The Hanway Lecture in Global Studies
Established by Ed Hanway, ’74, and wife Ellen, the Hanway Lecture in Global Studies aims to foster global awareness. This year Nadia Murad, the 2018 co-laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize, was the speaker. Ms. Murad is a human rights activist, writer, and survivor of the genocide targeting the Yazidis in Iraq. Her talk on November 10, 2021, in McGuire Hall drew over 600 registrants, the highest number of registrants for any Hanway Lecture (excepting 2019’s joint Hanway Lecture/Humanities Symposium keynote).
Dr. Schneider introduced Ms. Murad, and Dr. Mendez moderated the question-and-answer portion of the lecture. A few hours before the talk, Global Studies seniors were given the opportunity to have a small group discussion with Ms. Murad. During this discussion, a video was presented about the status of achieving justice for the genocide committed against the Yazidis, and an introduction to the work Ms. Murad does under her initiative. After the video, Dr. Schneider, Ms. Murad and the students had a discussion about Ms. Murad’s experiences as reflected in her book, The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity and My Fight Against the Islamic State. Students were able to ask Ms. Murad their own questions about her experience, memoir, and activism that were not covered during the Hanway Lecture later that evening. The 2021 Hanway Lecture achieved national visibility, even drawing a last-minute request from renowned photographer Michael Collopy who flew from San Francisco to Baltimore for the express purpose of taking a portrait of Ms. Murad during her visit to Loyola. For more information about the Hanway Lecture in Global Studies, visit loyola.edu/hanwaylecture.
Professional Program Updates
Loyola’s Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology was ranked 8th out of all Psy.D. programs in the United States in 2022.
Cara Jacobson, Psy.D. received the Faculty Award for Excellence in Mentoring on Maryland Day, March 25, 2022.
Pre-Law Program
The program continues to grow by leaps and bounds in terms of membership. This year
the Pre-Law Society students hosted an event for students to get headshots and learn
how to utilize Linkedin more effectively. They also hosted a resume workshop, and
participated in community service (Trunk or treat). Living out our Jesuit mission,
the society partnered with Maryland Legal Aid to host an expungement clinic on York
Road on March 19, 2022. Of the 63 clients seen by attorneys who were alumni, faculty,
and friends of Loyola, 46 clients had cases eligible for expungement and 97 petitions
were prepared that served mostly our Govans neighbors. For media coverage about the
event see release, Friday’s interview with Fox45 and an article that was published by the Catholic Review. The Pre-law advisory board had two meetings during the year, where they provided
crucial guidance for the program. For more information, see the Pre Law Program website.
ROTC Program
LTC Timothy Mitroka completed his first year as the Chair of Military Sciences. Additionally, the commissioning ceremony returned to the Loyola’s Alumni Memorial Chapel this year where 14 students were commissioned to the U.S. Army (11 to Active Duty and 3 to the National Guard). The year concluded with the retirement of Mr. Tom Alexander who has been part of the Greyhound Battalion for 27 years, having served numerous PMS’s, countless cadre and faculty, over a thousand Cadets, and commissioned 374 cadets into the U.S. Army.
Student Award Recipients for Class of 2022
Global Studies
- Sahshe Gerard
- Magis Awards in Psychology were awarded to Josefina Muñoz Nogales ’22 for research and Vanessa Cuppari ’22 for service accomplishments.
Twenty-one students in the class of 2022 earned Honors in Psychology (compared to 21 in 2021, 19 in 2020, and 12 in 2019).
- Grindall Psychology Medal: Kathryn Denike
- Masters Medal for Excellence in Psychology: Knekiya Harper for her academic and clinical work with vulnerable and marginalized populations, and her record of advocacy of advocacy on behalf of ending mental health stigma.
- Doctoral Medal for Excellence in Psychology: Thanusha Neelapareddy for her scholarly and clinical work with children and adolescents, acumen as a teaching assistant and peer supervisor, and commitment to providing culturally competent care and professional practice.
Political Science
- Anna Beaulieu
- (7 members of Class of 2022 graduated with honors in Political Science)
- Sociology Graduation Medal: Donald Roberson
- Senior Sociology Achievement Award: Kelsey Albrecht
- Second-Year SociologyAchievement award: Anna Levine
- First-Year Sociology Achievement Award: Ella Nallon
Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
- Undergraduate Medal: Lauren Christie
- Graduate Saltysiak Medal for Clinical Excellence: Teaunah Moulden
- Dr. Bernard A. Saltysiak Memorial Endowment Fund scholarship: Jillian Dittemer
Honor Society Inductions
2022 Psi Chi Inductees pictured below
Global Studies
2022 Sigma Iota Rho Inductees pictured below
Other Student Achievements
Clare Hulseman ’22 (BA in Psychology) and Emma Sarazin ’22 (BA in Political Science and Global Studies) both are pursuing the Jesuit Volunteer Corp during 2022-2023.
Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences student, Sarah Bayer ‘22 was recognized by the Patriot League, as one of its 11-member Academic All-League Team for women's soccer for a third-straight season.
Alumna Kate Morris (PsyD. ‘11), a Lieutenant Commander with the United States Public Health Service, currently detailed to the Bureau of Prisons as a Psychology Treatment Program Coordinator, completed the Executive Leaders Program at the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security
Amber Miles (PsyD. ‘22), was selected into the VA’s Interprofessional Fellowship Program in Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery.
Jeremy Ahearn ‘23 and Juan Lopez ‘24 attended the U.S. Air Force Academy’s 63rd annual Academy Assembly, an intercollegiate conference dedicated to better understanding the U.S.’s role in global affairs. This year’s topic was “The City on the Hill: Rebuilding Democracy at Home and Abroad.” Mr. Lopez received the Assembly’s Outstanding Delegate award.
Elena Johnson ‘24 and Juan Lopez ‘24 were two of four Loyola students selected by Stanford University to serve as University Innovation Fellows.
Isa Gholston ‘23 was chosen to represent Loyola at the Student Conference on U.S. Affairs (SCUSA) at the West Point Military Academy. Mr. Gholston is also currently interning with Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD).
Caroline Smuts ‘25 and Bethlehem Eshetu ‘24 attended the U.S. Naval Academy’s Foreign Affairs Conference in April. This year’s conference theme was “Partnership in the 21st Century.”
Colleen Mitchell (Loyola B.A. in Political Science ‘14, Notre Dame Ph.D. 2019) took on a position as Associate Director of Outreach for Villanova University.
Faculty-Student Scholarship
Rae Underberg, under the supervision of Dr. Heather Lyons, received a Kolvenbach Research Grant for her project, The Impact of Caregiver Loss During COVID-19 on the Identity Development of African American Adolescents.
Alumna Bella Schiro (PsyD. ’21) published her dissertation entitled, Latinx Emerging Adults’ Religious Identity, Ethnic Identity, and Psychological Well-Being in the journal Religions in 2021. This paper is based on her dissertation and was co-authored with her advisor, Dr. Carolyn Barry, and her committee members, Drs. Mary Jo Coiro, and Emalee Quickel.
Casie Morgan ’18 (currently Medical Clinical Psychology Ph.D. student at The University of Alabama at Birmingham) published a paper originally written in her Child Psychology class with her mentor, Dr. Carolyn Barry, entitled Psychosocial development of survivors of Hurricane Katrina: An evaluation of research in The Journal of Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences.
Dr. Amy Wolfson mentored several undergraduate students (bolded) in research on adolescent sleep which have been published:
- Alfano, C.A., Valentine, M., Nogales, J. M., Kim, J., Kim, J.S., Rigos, P., McGlinchey, E. L., Ripple, C. H., & Wolfson, A. R. (2022). How are the sleep problems in the U.S. foster care system being addressed? Results and recommendations from a survey-based study. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. doi: 10.1097/ DBP.0000000000001090. PMID: 35507424
- Meigs, J., Bartolomeo, V., & Wolfson, A.R. (2022). Methodological review of caffeine assessment strategies with a focus on adolescents. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 62. doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2021.101587. PMID: 35051809.
Vanessa Cupari, ‘22 coauthored a paper with Dr. Heather Lyons, entitled Perceptions and Experiences of Psychotherapy among Forced Migrants with Limited English Proficiency.
Faculty Achievements
Theresa DiDonato, Ph.D. was the keynote speaker at the Undergraduate Student Research and Scholarship Colloqium in April.
Gina Magyar-Russell, Ph.D. was on WBAL discussing self-care tips for peace of mind in the new year! Good advice. Watch the interview.
Brianne Roos, Ed.D. graduated with her doctoral degree from Johns Hopkins University.
Doug Harris, Ph.D. co-authored a book, At War with Government (Columbia University Press, 2021), which was the subject of "author meets critics"
panels at the Northeastern Political Science Association and New England political
science association meetings. Reviews of the book were published in The New Yorker and The Washington Monthly.
Written by Diana Schaub, Ph.D., His Greatest Speeches: How Lincoln Moved the Nation (St. Martin's Press, Fall 2021) was reviewed in The Wall Street Journal.
Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences faculty were well-represented in conference presentations at the November American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) conference. Specifically, Lena Caesar, Ed.D., Jordan Differding, M.S., Marie Kerins, Ed.D., Janet Preis, Ed.D., Brianne Roos, Ed.D., Lisa Schoenbrodt, Ed.D., and Kathy Siren, Ph.D. Further Theresa Alexander, M.S. and Cindy Nichols, M.S. led a session at the Association for the Frontotemporal Degeneration Education Conference this past spring.
Brianne Roos, Ed.D. co-hosted and was a frequent guest on the Tell Me This podcast. Season 2 focused on belonging in education and included departmental colleague Marie Kerins, Ed.D. (episode 8) and Sellinger School of Business faculty member, Astrid Schmidt-King, J.D. (episode 6).