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Photo Gallery 2016

Emerging Scholars crowd 2016
The awards ceremony took place in the Ridley Auditorium
of the Loyola-Notre Dame Library

   Tiffany Garner
Tiffany Garner, Psy.D. '11, delivers the keynote address

Marie Kerins
Dr. Marie Kerins, Associate VP
for Research and Graduate Affairs, welcomes attendees

Emerging Scholars Medal Winners 2016

Joseph Bechhofer, recipient of the Graduate
Medal for Achievement Excellence in Theology, and
Theology faculty

Kara Smith, recipient of the Dr. Bernard A. Saltysiak
Medal, with Speech-Language Pathology faculty

Caroline Mills is the 2016 recipient of the
Reverend John E. Wise, S.J. Medal  

Quick Details

Thanks for attending!

Photos are now posted in our Photo Gallery

Digital versions of the poster presentations coming this summer