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Photo Gallery 2010

Graduate students and recent alumni presented their research at the 2010 Emerging Scholars: A Celebration of Graduate Research:

Emerging Scholars Event 2010

Emerging Scholars Event 2010

Emerging Scholars Event 2010

Emerging Scholars Event 2010

Emerging Scholars Event 2010
Tim Snyder, Amanda Thomas, Patrice Johnson (recipient of Saltysiak Medal for Clinical Excellence in Speech Language Pathology/Audiology), Jennifer Krempecki (recipient of Wise Medal for Distinguished Achievement in Education), and Fr. Linnane.

Emerging Scholars Event 2010

Emerging Scholars Event 2010

Emerging Scholars Event 2010

Emerging Scholars Event 2010

Quick Details

Thanks for attending!

Photos are now posted in our Photo Gallery

Digital versions of the poster presentations coming this summer