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Amberlynn Fenner, Sarah Brown, Janet Preis, Ed.D.

The Effect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy on Speech of Patient with Motor Speech Disorder

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Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is as technique that involves gradually tensing and relaxing muscle groups to reduce tension and has been shown to have positive impacts on some physical and psychiatric problems and communicative disorders such as apraxia and aphasia. This case study examined the use of PMR with a 36-year-old participant 1 year 4 months post left basal ganglion hemorrhagic CVA with mild aphasia, apraxia, and aprosodic speech (deficits in rhythm, intonation, and word and syllable stress placement). A PMR protocol (as described by Herman et. al, 2008) was implemented in the beginning of each therapy session over four sessions. Speech samples taken within ten minutes post PMR were analyzed for rate of speech, intelligibility, and naturalness. Results indicated a slight negative trend for rate of speech, slight increase in intelligibility, and fluctuating but slight positive trend for naturalness. These results support the need for more research investigating the effects of PMR on speech intelligibility, rate, and naturalness, especially over a longer treatment period.

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Present at Emerging Scholars!

Proposals due March 24th.