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Virtual Poster Session 2011

Browse some of the 2011 Emerging Scholars poster presentations:

 Poster  Presentation
Poster image: Hierophany as Authorial Strategy in Gaiman and Deitch

Hierophany as Authorial Strategy in Gaiman and Deitch
Edward Alsedek
Liberal Studies

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Poster image: The Effects of Background Music on Communication and Engagement in Children with Autism

The Effects of Background Music on Communication and Engagement in Children with Autism
Roxanne Arnon, Dara Silbert, Janet Preis, Ed.D., Ashley Rozegar, Christine Accardo
Speech Language Pathology

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Poster image:   Rediscovering and Authenticating the Emerging Adult Spirit

Risk for Suicidal Thoughts and Behavior after Childhood Sexual Abuse in Women and Men
Saaniya Bedi, Elliot C. Nelson, Michael T. Lynskey, Vivia V. McCutcheon, Pamela A.F. Madden, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Andrew C. Heath, Nicholas G. Martin

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Poster image:   Rediscovering and Authenticating the Emerging Adult Spirit

Rediscovering and Authenticating the Emerging Adult Spirit
Keisha Benjamin, Thomas Rodgerson, Ph.D.
Pastoral Counseling

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Poster image: Essentials of Self-Care and Psychological Wellness in Graduate Training in Psychology

Essentials of Self-Care and Psychological Wellness in Graduate Training in Psychology
Leigh Carter, Jeffrey Barnett, Psy.D., ABPP

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Poster image: The Role of Self-Esteem in the Relation Between Shyness and Emerging Adults’ Romantic Relationship Characteristics

The Role of Self-Esteem in the Relation Between Shyness and Emerging Adults’ Romantic Relationship Characteristics
Jennifer Christofferson, Carolyn Barry, Ph.D.

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Poster image: Effects of Morphological Intervention on the Decoding and Encoding Skills of Early-Grade School Children At-Risk for Later Literacy Programs

Effects of Morphological Intervention on the Decoding and Encoding Skills of Early-Grade School Children At-Risk for Later Literacy Programs
Adan Cooney, Allie Matuszewski, Marie Kerins, Ph.D.
Speech-Language Pathology

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Poster image: Effectiveness of Social Skills Groups and Differences in Gender and Diagnosis in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders and Anxiety

Effectiveness of Social Skills Groups and Differences in Gender and Diagnosis in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders and Anxiety
Jennifer Crouse, Janet Preis, Ed.D.
Speech-Language Pathology

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Poster image: Paul Tillich’s Theory of Faith:  A Preliminary Analysis Through Death Anxiety and Purpose in Life

The Investigation of Familial Executive Functioning as an Endophenotype for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Sahar Davarya,Carolyn Barry, Ph.D., Matthew Kirkhart, Ph.D., Marco Grados, M.D., M.P.H., Chris Morrell, Ph.D.

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Poster image: Paul Tillich’s Theory of Faith:  A Preliminary Analysis Through Death Anxiety and Purpose in Life

Paul Tillich’s Theory of Faith:  A Preliminary Analysis Through Death Anxiety and Purpose in Life
Paul Deal, Gina Magyar-Russell, Ph.D.
Pastoral Counseling

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Poster image: Tackling Unemployment Among African-American Women in Baltimore

Tackling Unemployment Among African-American Women in Baltimore
Rachel Firestone, Scott Strickman, Martin Sherman, Ph.D.

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Poster image:   Relational Aggression in Adolescents:  The Role of Emotion Regulation

Relational Aggression in Adolescents:  The Role of Emotion Regulation
Tiffany Garner, Beth A. Kotchick, Ph.D., Alison A. Papadakis, Ph.D., Rachel L. Grover, Ph.D.

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Poster image: Attachment, Body Shame, and Weight-Related Ridicule in Romantic Relationships

Attachment, Body Shame, and Weight-Related Ridicule in Romantic Relationships
Kimberly Graff, Christie P. Karpiak, Ph.D.

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Poster image: Sexual Compulsivity among Sexual Minorities:  Relations to Attachment and Gender Role Conflict

Sexual Compulsivity among Sexual Minorities:  Relations to Attachment and Gender Role Conflict
James Griffin, Charles LoPresto, Ph.D.

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Poster image:   A Validation of Group Psychological First Aid

A Validation of Group Psychological First Aid
Candice Hoke, George Everly, Ph.D., Jeffrey Lating, Ph.D., Matthew Kirkhart, Ph.D.

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Poster image: Characteristics of an Effective Leader: Perspectives of Team Captains at an All-Girls Private High School

Characteristics of an Effective Leader: Perspectives of Team Captains at an All-Girls Private High School
Kathryn Laschinger
Education Specialties

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Poster image: Adult perceptions of psychosocial wellbeing and health among children and families: A qualitative evaluation of a community program in Rwanda

Adult perceptions of psychosocial wellbeing and health among children and families: A qualitative evaluation of a community program in Rwanda
Megan Laughlin, Louise Uwineza

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Poster image: How Much Phonological Awareness is the Right Amount?

How Much Phonological Awareness is the Right Amount?
Zaneta Liu, Alexis Sheid, Marie Kerins, Ph.D.
Speech-Language Pathology

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Poster image: Torture By Any Other Name:  A Prospective Study On the Relation Between the Use of Euphemisms and Support of Torture

Torture By Any Other Name:  A Prospective Study On the Relation Between the Use of Euphemisms and Support of Torture
Katherine Lunsford

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Poster image: Examining Resiliency: Sense of Coherence as a Predictor Variable and Evaluating the Dimensionality of the Sense of Coherence Scale

Examining Resiliency: Sense of Coherence as a Predictor Variable and Evaluating the Dimensionality of the Sense of Coherence Scale
Sondra Matter
Pastoral Counseling

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Poster image: The Use of Samoan Pedagogy in the American Samoa Classroom

The Use of Samoan Pedagogy in the American Samoa Classroom
Jueta McCutchan, Robert W. Simmons, III., Ed.D

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Poster image: Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Response to Relational Aggression:  An Exploration of the Role of Coping

Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Response to Relational Aggression:  An Exploration of the Role of Coping
Christina Morley, Alison Papadakis, Ph.D., Beth Kotchick, Ph.D., Rachel Grover, Ph.D.

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Poster image: Relational Victimization and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents:  The Moderating Role of Parental Support

Relational Victimization and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents:  The Moderating Role of Parental Support
Carrie Nettles, Beth Kotchick, Ph.D., Alison Papadakis, Ph.D., Sharon Green-Hennessy, Ph.D.

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Poster image: Prenatal Pregnancy-Related Anxiety and Outcomes of Pregnancy among Black Women in the Baltimore Preterm Birth Study

Prenatal Pregnancy-Related Anxiety and Outcomes of Pregnancy among Black Women in the Baltimore Preterm Birth Study
Caroline Orr, Suezanne Tangerose Orr, Ph.D., Dan Blazer, Ph.D., Sherman James, Ph.D.

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Poster image: The Moderation Effect of Social Anxiety on the Relation between Relational Victimization and Academic Achievement, Class Participation, and School Avoidance

The Moderation Effect of Social Anxiety on the Relation between Relational Victimization and Academic Achievement, Class Participation, and School Avoidance
Maria Perez, Beth Kotchick, Ph.D., Alison Papadakis, Ph.D., Rachel Grover, Ph.D.

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Poster image: The Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy and Psychosocial Variables on HIV Treatment Adherence

The Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy and Psychosocial Variables on HIV Treatment Adherence
Arianna Perra, Matthew Kirkhart, Ph.D.

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Poster image: Associations Among the Development of Language, Play, and Joint Attention in Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Associations Among the Development of Language, Play, and Joint Attention in Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Natalie Rallis, Mary Jo Coiro, Ph.D., Sharon Green-Hennessey, Ph.D., Rebecca Landa, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

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Poster image: Literacy Beliefs and Practices of Stay-at-home Mothers with Preschool-aged Children:  A Collective Case Study Report

Literacy Beliefs and Practices of Stay-at-home Mothers with Preschool-aged Children:  A Collective Case Study Report
Erin Rucker, Afra Hersi, Ph.D.
Teacher Education

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Poster image: Instructional Technology and Continuing Professional Development Opportunities for Teachers:  A Professional Learning Community Model

Instructional Technology and Continuing Professional Development Opportunities for Teachers:  A Professional Learning Community Model
Jeremy Sands, Stephanie Flores-Koulish, Ph.D.
Education Specialties

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Poster image: The Predictive Value of the Child’s Relationship with the Primary Caregivers on Relational Aggression Perpetration in the Peer Context

The Predictive Value of the Child’s Relationship with the Primary Caregivers on Relational Aggression Perpetration in the Peer Context
Saba Shahid, Beth Kotchick, Ph.D., Carolyn Barry, Ph.D., Alison Papadakis, Ph.D.

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Poster image: What Impact do Literature Circles have on Comprehension for Fourth Grade Girls?

What Impact do Literature Circles have on Comprehension for Fourth Grade Girls?
Lisa Shapiro
Teacher Education

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Poster image: What are the Effects of Drama-themed Lesson Plans on Children with Developmental Delays?

What are the Effects of Drama-themed Lesson Plans on Children with Developmental Delays?
Julianna Shleifer, Deirdre O'Mara
Speech-Language Pathology

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Poster image: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Religiosity as Predictors of Sexual Identity Conflict for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Young Adults

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Religiosity as Predictors of Sexual Identity Conflict for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Young Adults
Erin Spahr, Heather Z. Lyons, Ph.D., Martin F. Sherman, Ph.D., Ruth E. Fassinger, Ph.D.,
Charles LoPresto, Ph.D., Bradley R. Brenner, Ph.D.

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Poster image: Effects of Spiritual Transcendence and Gender as well as Spiritual Transcendence and History of Abuse on Self-Actualization and Self Reports of Pro-Social Behaviors

Effects of Spiritual Transcendence and Gender as well as Spiritual Transcendence and History of Abuse on Self-Actualization and Self Reports of Pro-Social Behaviors
A. Ajay Vyas, Gina Magyar-Russell, Ph.D.
Pastoral Counseling

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Poster image: Spirituality or Religiousness: Which Serves as the Better Predictor of Mental Health?

Spirituality or Religiousness: Which Serves as the Better Predictor of Mental Health?
Teresa Wilkins, Gina Magyar-Russell, Ph.D.
Pastoral Counseling

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Digital versions of the poster presentations coming this summer