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Fall 2024 Title IX and Bias Update

A Message from Sept. 6, 2024

Dear Members of the Loyola Community, 

I hope your first week of classes is going well. I am writing to inform you of important updates related to Title IX, Sex-Based Harassment and Discrimination, and Bias-Related Behaviors. These updates are critical to ensuring that our community is free from harassment and discrimination and that our community members are aware of reporting and support options available when these behaviors occur. 

These updates include the renaming of the office to more accurately reflect the work we do as well as changes to the Loyola University Maryland Sex-Based Harassment and Discrimination Policy to serve our community better. 

New Office of Title IX and Bias Compliance 

Due to some changes in federal regulations and to streamline reporting and support options, the Office of Title IX, Compliance, and Assessment was restructured to the Office of Title IX and Bias Compliance

Not only will our office be responsible for receiving and responding to reports of sex-based harassment and discrimination, but our office will also coordinate the Bias-related Behaviors Process.  Bias-related behaviors include negative actions towards or creating an uncomfortable environment based on someone’s identity. Our team, including myself and Sydney Quantock, the assistant director and Title IX deputy for students, will receive reports and coordinate the response consistent with University policies and values, as well as federal regulations and guidance. 

When necessary, we will coordinate with other offices, such as Student Development (including the Women's Center, Student Health Services, and the Counseling Center), Public Safety, and Human Resources, where Nikia Woodard is the Title IX Deputy for Faculty, Staff, and Administrators, to ensure a prompt and effective response when these issues arise.  

Our office recognizes the importance of choice in reporting options, so we designated our Title IX and Bias Intake Officers, a diverse group of individuals who have received specialized training on receiving reports of harassment and discrimination, to also receive reports of sex-based harassment and discrimination or bias-related behaviors. 

Lastly, as the University’s ADA/504 Coordinator, I will continue to collaborate with the Loyola community to strive toward a community accessible to all regardless of ability level. 

Updates to Policy 

Based on best practices and federal guidance, the University updated its Title IX-related policies, which is now the Loyola University Maryland Sex-Based Harassment and Discrimination Policy

These are highlights of changes to the policy: 

  • Expanded definitions: Sex-based harassment now includes sexual harassment in addition to harassment based on someone’s sex, which includes gender identity, sexual orientation, or pregnancy.  
  • Discrimination and Retaliation process: Reports of sex discrimination, which could include disparate treatment or impact, or retaliation will now be addressed under the Sex-based Harassment and Discrimination Policy and Process. 
  • Mandated reporters expanded: All employees, including undergraduate or graduate student employees, are considered mandated reporters of sex-based harassment and discrimination and must report any such incident to the Office of Title IX and Bias Compliance. 
  • Informal and Formal Resolutions aligned with best practices: The options to address incidents of sex-based harassment and discrimination, which includes formal and informal resolution options, have been updated to align with federal guidance and best practices. 
  • Enhanced support and protections for pregnant students: The University updated its pregnant and parenting resource page and policy to align with best practices, and employees are required to notify students who are pregnant or experiencing related conditions that the Office of Title IX and Bias Compliance can assist with support and preventing discrimination. 

Lastly, the University is aware of and monitoring legal challenges to federal regulations, and we will continue to ensure our practices comply legally. We will communicate should there be any substantive changes based on legal challenges or federal guidance. 

Next Steps 

Please become familiar with the policies and resources available to students, faculty, staff, and administrators who experience sex-based harassment, discrimination, or bias related behaviors, and report these incidents to our office when they occur. Training for employees is forthcoming from Human Resources via Vector, an online training platform.

We remain committed to going beyond compliance with federal laws to uphold principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice and to ensure everyone has equal opportunities to thrive academically, professionally, and personally. 

Finally, the 2023-2024 Annual Title IX Report will be released by mid semester, so please monitor Loyola Today for the update. 

If you have any questions about these updates, please contact the Office of Title IX and Bias Compliance at

David Tiscione
Director, Office of Title IX and Bias Compliance

Important Title IX Updates

New regulations from the United States Department of Education, which were scheduled to go into effect on August 1, 2024, have been vacated by a federal district court decision on January 9, 2025. The University has made necessary adjustments to the policy and process to comply with the most recent government laws, regulations, and court holdings. The updated policies are available on the Title IX Policy page. The University remains committed to supporting all members of our community. For questions, please contact