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TItle IX Policy Update

Loyola Today Post from August 3, 2024

The University has updated its Sex-Based Harassment and Discrimination Policy. We are aware of and monitoring pending litigation and updated guidance, and will make the necessary adjustments to the policy or the process to comply with the most recent government laws, regulations, or court holdings.  

Until the injunction(s) are resolved, or additional guidance is released, we will apply the Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy for incidents that fall under 2020 Title IX regulation jurisdiction, and we will apply the Sex-based Harassment and Discrimination Policy for incidents that do not fall under the 2020 title IX jurisdiction but do fall under the Sex-based Harassment and Discrimination Policy. The Office of Title IX and Bias Compliance will provide updates as they become available.

As we navigate any updates and changes to policies and regulations, we are steadfastly committed to our University values. Regardless of external guidelines, we work actively to create and foster a culture of respect, support, and accountability within our campus community. We will continue to uphold principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice. By preventing and effectively addressing any violations of these principles through our policies, we strive to ensure that everyone at Loyola has equal opportunities to thrive academically, professionally, and personally.

Applicable policies can be found on the  Title IX Policy page. For questions, please contact

Important Title IX Updates

New regulations from the United States Department of Education, which were scheduled to go into effect on August 1, 2024, have been vacated by a federal district court decision on January 9, 2025. The University has made necessary adjustments to the policy and process to comply with the most recent government laws, regulations, and court holdings. The updated policies are available on the Title IX Policy page. The University remains committed to supporting all members of our community. For questions, please contact