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2022-2023 Title IX End-of-Year Report is now available

A Message from Oct. 17, 2023

Dear Members of the Loyola Community,

With the academic year well underway and as we mark Domestic Violence Awareness Month, I am writing with some important Title IX updates. As part of the University’s Title IX Action Plan, we have committed to publishing an annual end-of-the-year report to enhance transparency regarding the sexual and gender-based misconduct process and to continue building trust with the community.

Report Available

I invite you to review the 2022-2023 Title IX End-of-Year Report. This report provides aggregate statistics of incidents of sexual misconduct that have been reported to the Office of Title IX, Compliance, and Assessment. You will also find information about how those individuals who experienced sexual misconduct were supported and how the incidents were addressed.

The report also gives an overview of the efforts that the University has made related to sexual violence prevention, education, and response and to supporting pregnant and parenting students and employees. It also provides data from community surveys that the office has conducted as part of our commitment to continually improve our processes. Thank you to all those who have participated and shared their perspectives through those surveys. We will also use the report to inform continued campus conversations as we work together to prevent incidents of sexual and gender-based misconduct and respond effectively to them. 

Gratitude to University Partners

Our continued commitment to addressing sexual and gender-based misconduct is possible thanks to the efforts of many across the University community, including the Women’s Center, Public Safety, Equity and Inclusion, Residence Life and Housing, Student Conduct, and the Counseling Center.

Policies and Procedures

Additionally, I would like to share Loyola’s current sexual and gender-based misconduct policies, which can be found on the Title IX website. These policies discuss prohibited behaviors and the policies and procedures available to address incidents of misconduct at Loyola University Maryland.

Ongoing Public Health Campaign

Finally, in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, I’d like to highlight an ongoing public health campaign organized by the Counseling Center. To create the campaign, titled Healthy and Affirming Relationships, the Counseling Center collaborated with Loyola community members to help the community learn more about important aspects of relationships in our lives and how to cultivate meaningful connections with the people around us. The campaign will include printed and digital posters around campus, Instagram posts, and web content to further the conversation about healthy relationships.


If you have questions about the report, policies, or resources or if we can provide any additional support, please contact the Office of Title IX, Compliance, and Assessment at

Thank you for continuing to advocate for and promote the safety of our community.


David Tiscione
Director, Office of Title IX and Bias Compliance

Important Title IX Updates

New regulations from the United States Department of Education, which were scheduled to go into effect on August 1, 2024, have been vacated by a federal district court decision on January 9, 2025. The University has made necessary adjustments to the policy and process to comply with the most recent government laws, regulations, and court holdings. The updated policies are available on the Title IX Policy page. The University remains committed to supporting all members of our community. For questions, please contact