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Students walking near Jenkins Hall; Student and tutor working together in The Study

1:1 Peer Tutoring

The Study’s Peer Tutoring Program provides free tutoring services to graduate and undergraduate students enrolled in Loyola. The goal of the Program is to provide students with content-based and skills-based support through a 1:1 peer model. Additionally, the Program aims to provide tutors with teaching experience, leadership opportunities, and professional development. 

How do I make an appointment?
  1. Access our online scheduling program WC Online. You should use your Loyola credentials. The first time you access, you will be asked to register. 
  2. You will then select the subject area in which you need a tutor (Bio/Chem, Business, etc.).
  3. Select the "Show  All 'Course' Options" dropdown, and select the course you need help with. If you do not see the course you need help with, please email Andrea (athletes) or Mrs. LePore (all others) and we will find you a tutor.
  4. Review the schedule; the white boxes are what is available. When you find a time that works you click on the box and the scheduling screen will pop up. 
  5. Select if you want face-to-face or online, and then fill in all the required boxes (course, instructor, what you want to work on, course*), and then click create appointment. *The second course selection ensures you have selected a tutor who offers availability in your course. If your course is NOT listed in the dropdown, please make sure you filter the schedule by course as shown in Step 3 above.

This guide provides the steps with pictures.

What are some ways that tutoring can provide assistance? 
  • Reviewing concepts already covered in your classes
  • Completing practice exercises that will NOT be submitted for a grade
  • Creating study guides for tests and quizzes
  • Exploring new content-based strategies 
  • Preparing for assessments (a tutor is an excellent study partner) 
  • Identifying additional resources and support
How should I prepare for my appointment? 

Consider the following as you prepare for your tutoring sesssion:

  • What is your primary goal for the session?
  • Do you have all of the resources and materials that you might need during the session? (books, presentations, notes, etc.)
  • How would you like to use the time during your appointment? (practice problems, review of material, discussion, etc.)
  • Do you have a set of specific questions to ask your tutor? (Try to be as detailed and focused as possible).  
What subjects are available for Peer Tutoring? 

It varies by concentration, but we try our best to provide support across all areas of study. If you are having trouble locating a tutor for a specific course, please email The Study. 

I am a graduate student, may I access tutoring? 

Absolutely! Feel free to email to request tutoring or coaching. You are also welcome to go through the online scheduling platform, WC Online

Who are the Peer Tutors? 

Peer Tutors are current Loyola undergradutate and graduate students. In addition to demonstrating content matter proficiency, tutors are required to complete extensive training and professional development, including CRLA (College Reading and Learning Association) training and certification. 

Are there professional tutors?

Yes! The Study partners with a Reading Specialist and Math Professor to offer professional tutoring. If you are interested, please email to set up an appointment. 

Is there support for ESL students?

Joe Medina, bio below, offers 1:1 support or small group support. Email to set up an appointment. 

Joe Medina's Bio:

Joe is a recent graduate in the ESOL program at Loyola University. He has over 5 years of experience with teaching English to adult students in various areas: formal and academic speaking and writing, conversational English, and accent improvement. He tailors his instruction to each individual student to ensure their specific needs are addressed. In addition to teaching, Joe is a professional actor in TV, film, and theater. He also loves animals!

Additional Questions? 

If you have additional questions, feel free to stop by The Study (3rd Floor, Jenkins Hall) or email

Student-athletes should register for peer tutoring on the SASS website, not through The Study.

Fall 2025 Tutor Application now OPEN!

Loyola's Tutoring Program aims to provide tutors with teaching experience, leadership opportunities, and professional development. If you are interested in becoming a tutor for the fall 2025 semester, please complete the application by March 30, 2025 (11:59PM). If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. LePore, Assistant Director of Learning Support, or Andrea Hoffman, Assistant Director of Student-Athlete Support Services. 


Group Tutoring: Drop-In Q&As

Throughout the semester and prior to exams, peer tutors facilitate Drop-In Q&As. The purpose of Q&As is to provide students with an opportunity to ask questions and engage with material in preparation for assessments under the guidance of a peer tutor. 

The Q&As are intended to support the learning process; it is not intended to teach new materials. Students who attend should prepare content specific questions and/or bring example problems to be covered during the session. 

Sessions are held one to three days prior to assessments; each Q&A is facilitated by three or more peer tutors. Typically, sessions are held in the evenings and on-campus (there is not an online option). 

BL*150 Drop-In Q&A Sessions

Date Time Location
Tuesday, Feb. 18 7 to 9PM KH 309
Tuesday, Mar. 25 7 to 9PM KH B 01
Tuesday, Apr. 15 7 to 9PM KH 309

BL*152 Drop-In Q&A Sessions

Date Time Location
Tuesday, Feb. 11 7 to 9PM KH 309
Tuesday, Mar. 18 7 to 9PM KH 309
Tuesday, Apr. 8 7 to 9PM KH 309

CH*101 Drop-In Q&A Sessions

Date Time Location
Sunday, Feb. 16 7 to 9PM KH 305
Sunday, Mar 23 7 to 9PM KH 305
Thursday, Apr 24 7 to 9PM KH 305

CH*102 Drop-In Q&A Sessions

Date Time Location
Thursday, Feb. 13 7 to 9PM KH 305
Tuesday, Mar. 25 7 to 9PM KH 309
Thursday, Apr. 24 7 to 9PM KH 309



Make an Appointment


Monday through Thursday: 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday: Closed 
Sunday: 12 to 11 p.m.

Contact Us

Jenkins Hall, Third Floor