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Students working on and holding their brainstorming work

Navigate Your Route from Major to Magis

Deciding between a few majors? Trying to figure out what to do with your identified major? Interested in exploring what it means for you to live a life of purpose?  Then Pathfinders is the place for you! It offers weekly support, peer mentorship, and step by step guidance through the career exploration and vocational discernment process. By the end of the semester, each participant will have gained a clearer understanding of their intended major/minor, a better understanding of their career options, and the tools to navigate future vocational decisions.

Pathfinders Mission

Pathfinders is a supportive and encouraging community of sophomore students committed to contemplative action to unearth their authentic selves within the context of major exploration and declaration.

Program Goals

Founded upon the Jesuit practice of action grounded in meaningful contemplation, the Pathfinders program aims to:

  • Explore—passions, strengths, opportunities, and questions pertinent to the major declaration and vocational discernment journey.
  • Reflect—to find meaning and direction from daily experiences.
  • Act—through small consistent steps toward vocation and to aid others on their unique paths to purpose.

Join Our Community!

More information will be available in September as to how to get involved in Pathfinders!

Location & Hours

Student Center E315 and E413
Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m