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Bias Reporting Process

The Bias Reporting process is intended for incidents where a student has been harmed or caused the harm. Employees should contact Human Resources for employee (faculty, staff, & administrator) to employee related incidents.

Students will be offered support from an administrator and/or advisor throughout the bias reporting process.

Bias report submitted

Report is received by the Office of the VP for Student Development

Student Development (SD) Administrator contacts targeted person/harmed parties to gather information about the incident

If respondent is faculty, staff or administrator, report is referred to Human Resources to process per Harassment & Discrimination Policy and Procedures

SD Administrator and targeted person/harmed parties discuss options for addressing the biased behaviors. The options are an Alternative Resolution or the Student Conduct Process

Conduct Process Initiated

To initiate the conduct process, a formal complaint must be filed.

Formal complaint must include:

  • Submitter name
  • Incident date, time and location
  • Alleged offender name
  • Description of the conduct allegedly constituting bias

Targeted person/harmed parties will work with SD Administrator to submit a formal complaint

Administrative hearing panel convenes

Panel consists of:

  • Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer or designee
  • Peer Conduct Board member
  • Director of Student Conduct or designee

Administrative panel makes a determination of responsibility and sanction(s)

Final outcome of hearing is communicated to the Respondent (within 5 business days)

Due to privacy laws, final outcome cannot be shared with the targeted person/ harmed parties

Alternative Resolution

  • Educational Conversation
  • Conflict Coaching
  • Mediation
  • Restorative Practices

Contact Us

David Tiscione
Director of Title IX, Compliance, and Assessment
Jenkins Hall 105B

Sydney Quantock, J.D.
Assistant Director of Title IX, Compliance, and Assessment 
Jenkins Hall 105D

Emergency Contact

Do NOT use this form to report an emergency. If you require emergency assistance, call campus police at 410-617-5911 or 911.

REACT Online

REACT is an online, interactive program about how to help yourself or someone you care about cope in healthy ways after a distressing life event (such as a trauma, assault, or loss). Content will remain confidential.