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Stand for Love #WeBelongHere

Welcome to Loyola University Maryland’s central LGBTQPIA+ information hub! Here at Loyola, we are building a community where people of all sexual orientations and gender identities feel heard, affirmed, valued, and respected. This website provides information for prospective and current students and employees, as well as services and resources related to diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. At Loyola, we aim to make sure our community is a welcoming, safe, and supportive place for all students, faculty, staff, and alumnx.

Loyola supports and empowers all a/sexuality and a/gender identity diverse students and employees by providing community-building, education, events, and initiatives*. Our work seeks to affirm and help students explore their many identities, including a/sexuality, a/gender, race, ability, religion, and class.

We recognize that sexual orientation and gender identity and expression work through and are influenced by race, ethnicity, gender, culture, age, disability, class, faith, and other social characteristics. In keeping with the ideals of the University, we commit to justice, equality, and respect for the whole person – or cura personalis – in all of our endeavors. Students’ needs, interests, and passions are the drivers of our programming and initiatives. We seek to identify, address, and reduce racism, heterosexism, misogyny, cissexism, ableism, and other forms of discrimination on campus. We are working to deepen and develop partnerships – both inside and outside of the University – to make our work more effective and far-reaching. We approach our work with a historical analysis of discrimination and injustice to serve the campus more intentionally and equitably. There is no one way to be LGBTQPIA+ at Loyola. Regardless of where you are in your journey and your relationship with Loyola, we have something for you. We encourage you to explore this website for information about resources available to Loyola University Maryland’s LGBTQPIA+ community and allies.

*Note: We use the phrasing “a/sexuality” and “a/gender” to acknowledge that sexual and gender diversity includes people who identify as asexual and agender, as well as those who identify with a particular sexuality and gender. A/sexuality and a/gender phrasing and language was inspired by Princeton University's LGBTQ Center website.