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Bias Related Behaviors Policy and Reporting

Bias Related Behaviors Policy

Loyola University is a community that welcomes people of diverse backgrounds and experiences and values the God-given dignity of every human person. Every member of the Loyola University community enjoys the same basic rights, including the right to be treated as a respected member of the community, with freedom fromdiscrimination and harassment. Bias related behaviors include but are not limited to:

1. Negative actions against an individual or group because of their actual or perceived race, sex, color, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military status, gender or gender identity, any other legally protected classification, or other targeted aspects of one’s identity.

2. Creating a climate that supports, encourages, or initiates an uncomfortable environment for any community member.

Procedures for Reporting Bias Related Behaviors

Students who feel they have been the target of bias or who have witnessed bias related behaviors may report the incident online at or contact the Dean of Students Office at 410-617-5171. When reporting bias related behaviors, it is important to give as much information as possible as your statement will serve as basis for further investigation of any case and any resulting student conduct charges. If you choose to submit an anonymous report, it should be noted that the University’s ability to investigate or act upon anonymous reports may be limited.

When a bias related behavior form is submitted, it will be received by the Dean of Students Office who will then take action based on the information provided. The Dean of Students staff will conduct a follow-up interview with the targeted person to gather additional information regarding the incident, determine the targeted person’s interest/role in responding to the incident, and determine possible Student Code of Conduct violations. The Dean of Students staff may consult with relevant university personnel (Dean of Students Office, Residence Life & Housing, Counseling Center, Thrive Center for Student Success, Disability Support Services, Women’s Center, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs and Diversity, Department of Public Safety, and Assistant Vice President for Human Resources) to determine next steps.

The targeted person and alleged offender each have the option of being assigned an advisor whose role is to support them through the investigation and/or student conduct process. The advisor must be a fulltime member of the Loyola University community (faculty, administrator, or staff) and cannot be an attorney or hold a law degree. The Dean of Students Office may provide advisors with pertinent information regarding the bias related incident/case being investigated. The incident will be handled in a confidential manner, except in cases where the University is required by law to notify the community. In cases of notification, the person reporting the incident/targeted person will be consulted to determine the appropriate communication to the community.

Periodically, the Vice President of Student Development notifies the Loyola community of any incidents where a member of our community was the object of demeaning behavior that targeted age, gender, religion, racial/ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, or disability. With regard to community notification, the Vice President of Student Development will determine when such notification will be sent through a special “Newshound” email. For reasons of privacy, notification will occur only when the identities of the involved community members can be protected, permission from the targeted person(s) is granted, and the notification will not interfere with any ongoing investigation. The purpose of notifying the campus community is to provide more transparency regarding incidents of this nature and create awareness and opportunities for discussion about ways to reduce incidents of bias and insensitivity.

There are several departments on campus able to assist students in coping and managing these situations. As always, we encourage students to contact the Dean of Students Office; Counseling Center; Thrive Center for Student Success; Campus Ministry; Center for Community, Service, and Justice; Disability Support Services; Residence Life & Housing; or Women's Center for assistance if you or someone you know is a target of any type of harassment. Our community recognizes and values the similarities and differences among students, faculty, staff, and recognized student organizations at Loyola University.

Discrimination, sexual and bias related harassment, and other violations of rights disrupt the educational process and the personal well-being of others, and will not be tolerated. Any retaliation, reprisal, or intimidation directed toward a targeted person or anyone else as a result of reporting or participating in an investigation or adjudication of alleged Bias related behaviors is strictly prohibited. Any incidents of retaliation should be reported immediately to Residence Life & Housing and are considered a serious violation of this Policy.

Procedures for Adjudicating Bias Related Incidents

All hearings involving bias related behaviors will be conducted in accordance with the normal rules and procedures of the student conduct process with special sensitivity to the nature of the charges and the best interests of all parties involved. In recognition of the unique nature of bias related behavior cases, the procedures specified in this section supersede any conflicting provisions of the University student conduct process. Similarly, pursuit of charges through the University’s student conduct system does not preclude the pursuit of criminal charges. The University will investigate all reports of bias related behaviors. However, it should be noted that the University’s ability to investigate or act upon anonymous reports may be limited.

Upon becoming aware of alleged bias related behaviors, the Dean of Students Office in conjunction with the Office of Residence Life & Housing and Department of Public Safety will initiate an investigation and take actions deemed necessary to protect the well-being of the students involved, as well as the educational environment of the University community. These actions may include, but are not limited to, relocating residence hall assignments, restricting access to certain campus buildings, prohibiting contact between the alleged offender, the targeted person, or witnesses, or suspending the alleged offender from campus pending the hearing.

If the panel determines that the offender is responsible for a violation of this policy, the panel will decide the appropriate sanctions in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. 

The final outcome of the hearing including any sanctions that are imposed will be communicated to the alleged offender within five working days of the last day of the hearing.

A violation of the Bias Policy is considered a serious breach of our community standards and although there are no standard sanctions, a hearing panel may consider a range of sanctions that include, but are not limited to, disciplinary probation, deferred suspension and/or expulsion.